Tiziana Di Paghini
Mine are (I do not speak to the past, they will always be there) these wonderful creatures that have now ten years old.
They disappeared 'mysteriously' some time ago when we were in our area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Pavia fierce suspicion / certainty that the disappearance of dozens of cats owned, kept and well fed, so do not stray, were captured in order to achieve 'Suspicious destinations'. Needless to say, these cats could have been used in laboratories for vivisection. This fact has not seen serious adhesion or cohesion of any of those who, like me, have been victims of this heinous and inhuman cruelty. There was anger, indignation apparent, but on balance had no 'Face' to go by the police to lodge a formal complaint against unknown though. They all confirmed the theory of the abduction of their beloved animals, yet no one has stepped forward to fight for you to actually take the truth light. Perhaps an action, even if it was only right to do as a collective, it would not be served anything, but many could have been the voices of the choir, so a small result could be achieved.
But you know, some people are ashamed to show their feelings for the loss / death of an animal. Many do not care, others are just full of alls good talk but did nothing, many, like me reveal it but are often forced by circumstances to remain silent and pretend that everything is fine even eats the liver, and others simply are ashamed of what most would consider an unforgivable weakness. A weakness at the edge of emptiness, because in a world beset by hunger, war and natural disasters is unthinkable to worry about the other life forms. Forms of life worthy of respect in the same way to human, and if one may point out, many times it is to a greater extent. The animal is not typical cowardice and wickedness human, ergo, this simply puts the sage define what the 'beast', dozens of steps higher than in males (also a beast, and not just to say) .
With the memory of what was to be the tenth year of Caledon, Joyn, Vladimir, I not only want to make even more immortal even though the gift of their short life that has enriched my life, but to put renewed emphasis on the alert animal exponential traffic destinations not exactly rosy. In that regard, I wrote a lot in web and, of course, my personal experience as a secondary victim, as the true sacrificial lamb is the animal stolen from his family, his freedom is the right of every living being deprived of his life , becomes a personal battle. A battle that I fight and I do not see and I will never in favor of anything that I can not see with his hand. To understand, I can feel good for reasons of force majeure (and I mean REALLY force majeure) an animal leaves home and country, but this does not become a mere excuse to show the world what is not. Too many animals are lost (it can easily happen), and the legitimate owners are not informed of their discovery even if regularly chipped . Many animals are caught for illegal trafficking. This dramatic reality is often reported by the news more important. Heaven on earth does not exist, this is known, and perhaps there is no heaven beyond this mortal life, least of all, once you believe in fairy tales grew. Fairy tales with all the trappings of the occasion, but never with a reliable documentation, with a witness by name. Just words, and woe to anyone who raises legitimate doubt or disagreement. But legitimate questions, such as freedom of speech, thought, replication, are the rights of everyone, not just the storyteller. Perhaps, as they themselves became futile in their websites, we do not do anything for animals. Of course, if they say it is a guarantee as a guarantee that everything spoken! We do a lot, instead! And how! We do just enough to rebel in the name and on behalf of those who can not defend itself and is loaded into a van, tossed about for thousands of miles without food or water, and perhaps to see the end of his vile and unacceptable suffering of a laboratory with death. Death certainly do not come so merciful. We we ensure that the decree Garavaglia, who many years ago warned of the danger today is shamefully rampant objectivity, you become more feasible. We do not need to boastful, of false-gooders who wear a uniform like the schoolboy who would not want to remember. We do not need to play the role of leader and followers that we do not want to worship. We do not seek wealth for themselves and not making deals with the devil, even if it leads us to look attractive proposals or incinerated with the larvae that would close your mouth and bind her wrists. We want and we must be united to fight this horror unfolding every minute. Who can do it is actively in the state, and the State we must not forget. We need facts, and that these facts, protecting the animal species, protect ourselves. No promises from the election campaign, please, we have really deep pockets. Especially when followed by action which is only mildly questionable. The laws are there, there are years and years had to be applied, followed. Someone tried to fight to enforce them, but it is obvious that someone, by contrast, had an interest to let them die.
Here's what we do down as the fuck PC: We report the light uncomfortable truths. Lic
Ripubb the decree of Maria Pia Garavaglia, and I hope that many will read well. I also hope that no one understood each other of being removed from an animal such as happened to me. In that case, if you really loved the private seasonal four-legged friend, the pain of his death be summed with the agony of knowing what really happened to him. For this tear in my heart, the fine words are useless. We need facts, not crap stuffed with candied fruit as the house of witches in fairy tales.
Tiziana Paghini
MINISTRY OF HEALTH ': Maria Pia Garavaglia - CIRCULAR N. 33/93
Ministry of Health
N. 600.8/24433/AG./4751
Rome, August 12, 1993
The Regions
Department of Health
their headquarters
Autonomous Provinces
Department of Health
their headquarters
Al Nas Carabinieri Roma
At their headquarters to the prefectures
Circular 33
SUBJECT: Export stray dogs.
continue to be reported to credit facilities of stray dogs from local shelters or intermunicipal or private agreement which often occur in people under the umbrella of protectionist associations and instead serve as intermediaries with foreign organizations that have nothing to do with animal protection. It would be
established a vast traffic of dogs but also cats, collected in small sums of money in Italy, would be diverted and resold at higher numbers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and in other countries to be used for the experiment, in vigendo Countries such rules are less restrictive than in Italy.
It is therefore recommended, as a matter, to strictly follow the rules, so that distraction or good faith in entrusting the animals do not encourage traffic to the point.
is required particularly, in accordance with art. 2 of Law 281 of 14/8/1991, the dogs housed at the kennels must be tattooed, and should not be disposed of first the expiry of the period of 60 days, to give way to its rightful owners to repossess it. It should then record the number of dogs returning tattoo, date of entry and release date and number of the card count. Furthermore, in the manner of disposal of animals, we need a careful assessment with regard to guarantees of good treatment must ensure that individuals or in the case of protectionist associations regarding the reliability of them.
It is believed that waiting to take more restrictive measures that may become necessary, from the sale to be put particular care in drawing up the type of custody that must be clearly identifying elements of the subject to be sold (breed, coat, sex, approximate age and tattoo), and the declaration signed dell'affidatario that is committed to maintaining the animal in good condition with him and not sell it without prior warning USL responsible. The Trustee must therefore provide the exact address where the animal will be maintained to be shown on the certificate along with the other data (name, surname, address, telephone number of valid identity document and place of issue); copy of the component must be available at the kennels available for examination, together with a photocopy of the identity dell'affidatario.
will contractors should not sell dogs directly to the person but, considering the reason for requesting a case by case, and restricting, if necessary, the number of dogs assigned to the individual and not to give dogs at different times to the same person until you have found or made to ascertain the status of the animals previously taken. Also special care should be considered the requests received by non-residents or even abroad.
It sees the opportunity to report to this Ministry to exercise the necessary investigations, cases of suspected especially in relation to the supply or supplies required of applicants over time by the same person or same body. It
It recommends, for those regions that had not already done so, the establishment of the Registry dog \u200b\u200band the adoption of all necessary measures to streamline its operation and improve its management.
Health Minister Maria Pia Garavaglia