Monday, April 26, 2010

Free Read Shota Online



document is waiting? FROM THE SOURCE THAT HAS SENT ME, say yes'.
THIS 'IN SUMMARY, THE PRICELIST OF ANIMAL LIFE FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCH. Born to be destined to die in the name of research. Born, raised to be hacked to pieces and sold. Both the law allow it. These are the animals in some cultures who dare to be called 'superior'. Respect for life is just a mere concept of culture absolutely speciesist, where the supremacy of man is in sharp contrast with the right to animal life. Both the law allow it.
Animals that are then mated, the litter once born, be killed. This is it, and not me to say, but the facts.
But since I sent the link does not open anything important or significant, I might add another link, where you will not need translators or translations and where you can see for yourself that, in Essentially, the concept of the post does not change, if anything, changing the clients.
The link is:

Here you will find these promo to advertise the content to be shivering. We mention just a few steps, and if the site opens, no problem. I have the pdf and will result in the detailed pictures that prove what I am describing:

clicking on images you should easily find the link from and enlarge the whole browser. Do not play with the truth, and I'm not I'm enjoying it at all. Rewrite passages:

" Services enclosure

** stabling of animals purchased from authorized supplier companies with proven safety and about the health of animals supplied to maintain the premises for breeding. The service is limited supervision and management of animal housing.

** Reproduction, breeding and care of colonies of knockout and transgenic animals and to conventional aging: mating management of colonies of mice or rats with homozygous or heterozygous genetic control on breeding. The ability to access the service in relation to the spaces required and to the size of the colony to maintain.

** Supply of animals or the sale of organs or to animal testing. This provision is allowed only within dell'INRCA or researchers involved in scientific structures that have concluded a special agreement with the Institute INRCA.

Service Livestock and Animal Testing

The Livestock and Animal Testing Service offers services to users of enclosures, Laboratory, Veterinary Consulting, operating room.

various services. Also in compliance with applicable law, other types of services that constitute animal testing or sampling organs from animals can be provided by the hotel after having assessed the suitability of the Service Manager.

All the above activities shall comply with the provisions of Law (Legislative Decree 116/92 and Decree circulars)
Possibility of agreements with third parties for the activities listed above.

And then, of this site is also a great Disclaimer for visitors and their points of view:

'It is prohibited to send messages defamatory, obscene, libelous or otherwise contrary to the provisions of law. The owner of the site will fully cooperate with any authority giving ready performance measures to identify those who commit illegal acts of sending material to the site.
If the owner sees that there has been a breach of the terms and conditions contained herein, may immediately take corrective action, including preventing the user to use the services offered on the site and delete any information, data or content posted by the website ' user at any time without notice, without taking any responsibility in this regard.
The visitor / user shall indemnify the owner of the site from all claims, damages, liabilities, court proceedings, and any other damages or loss arising out of or in connection with the use da parte del visitatore/utente dei servizi di discussione, scambio di opinioni, invio trasmissione e similari forniti dal sito."

Questo, invece, è il documento originale a me inviato e che, come ripeto, ha un link che non apre come dovrebbe.


Ecco il commercio di organi di animali da laboratorio. Questa è Harlan Sera-Lab Ltd

Tissues, Organs, Glands

(Dog, Guinea Pig, Marmoset, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat)

(Cani, Porcellini d'Tndia o criceti, scimmiette, Topi, conigli, ratti)

Due to the resources of the Harlan group worldwide, Harlan Sera-Lab Ltd. is
able to provide an extensive range of tissues, organs and glands from many
animal species. Controlled breeding under strict barrier conditions or
genetically controlled colonies ensures the health status of the animals and
maintains products of the highest quality. An example of pricing for various
organs in different species is listed below. Contact Customer Services for a quotation on
Any products not listed. All Tissues, organs and glands are
Collected, flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and shipped on dry ice are Normally.
Products Can Be Provided "fresh" or preservative in
for specific customer requirements. Also We are pleased to quote for bulk shipments. Specific
strains and animals of specific age and sex can be Obtained on request.

TRANSLATION: the Harlan Sera-Lab Ltd. is able to provide a wide range of tissues, organs and glands of many animal species.
check the breeding of animals by ensuring the genetic conditions of the colonies. It ensures the health of animals and maintains products the highest quality. An example of pricing for various organs in different species are listed below. Customer service contact for a quotation on any product not listed are available.
All tissues, organs and glands are collected, frozen in liquid nitrogen and are usually shipped on dry ice. The products can be delivered "fresh" or preservative for specific customer requirements. We are also pleased to offer loads also different. Specific strains of animals and age and sex may be obtained upon request.


Dog - DOG -
Code Animal Description Price 57021
Dog Adrenal Glands £ 411.60 (adrenal glands) Dog Brain
57023 £ 274.05 (BRAIN)
57025 £ 164.85 Dog Eyes (EYE) Dog Heart
57019 £ 205.80 (HEART) £ 205.80
57026 Dog Kidney (kidney) Dog Liver
57020 £ 205.80 (LIVER)
57003 Dog Lungs £ 411.60 (LUNG)
57012 Dog Ovaries £ 411.60 (ovaries)
57008 Dog Pancreas £ 411.60 (pancreas) Dog Prostate
57013 £ 411.60 (PROSTATE)
Dog Spleen £ 57,014 342.30 (spleen)
57015 Dog Stomach £ 411.60 (stomach)
57016 Dog Submaxillary Glands £ 342.30 (sweat glands SALIVARY O)
Dog testicles £ 57,011 136.50 (testicles)

top Guinea Pig Guinea Pigs, Pig GUINEA

Animal Code Description Price
52004 Guinea Pig Brain £ 15.53 (BRAIN)
52017 Guinea Pig Heart £ 13.80 (HEART)
52014 Guinea Pig Kidney £ 12.08 (kidney)
52022 Guinea Pig Liver £ 13.23 (liver)
52006 Guinea Pig Lungs £ 13.23 (LUNG)
52019 Guinea Pig Ovaries £ 29.90 (ovaries)
52026 Guinea Pig Pancreas £ 13.23 (pancreas)
52020 Guinea Pig Prostate £ 13.80 (PROSTATE)
52029 Guinea Pig Skins £ 13.23 (leather)
52030 Guinea Pig Spinal Cords £ 15.23 (spinal cord)
52007 Guinea Pig Spleen £ 12.08 (MILZA)
52031 Guinea Pig Stomach £ 15.53 (STOMACO)
52013 Guinea Pig Submaxillary Glands £ 12.08 (GHIANDOLE SALIVARI E/O SUDORIFERE)

Marmoset top (Piccola scimmia nativa del Sud America della famiglia delle Callithricidae)

Code Animal Description Price
57809 Marmoset Bladder £ 219.45 (VESCICA)
57810 Marmoset Brain £ 274.05 (CERVELLO)
57812 Marmoset Heart £ 274.05 (CUORE)
57813 Marmoset Liver £ 219.45 (FEGATO)
57814 Marmoset Lungs £ 274.05 (POLMONI)
57815 Marmoset Ovaries £ 274.05 (OVAIE)
57827 Marmoset Pancreas £ 219.45 (PANCREAS)
57808 Marmoset Prostate £ 274.05 (PROSTATA)
57820 Marmoset Spinal Cords £ 342.30 (MIDOLLO SPINALE)
57818 Marmoset Spleen £ 219.45 (MILZA)
57821 Marmoset Stomach £ 219.45 (STOMACO)
57823 Marmoset Testicles £ 219.45 (TESTICOLI)

Mouse top TOPI

Code Animal Description Price
50030 Mouse Brain £ 4.73 (CERVELLO)
50029 Mouse Eyes £ 4.73 (OCCHI)
50013 Mouse Heart £ 4.73 (CUORE)
50015 Mouse Kidney £ 4.73 (RENI)
50022 Mouse Liver £ 4.73 (FEGATO)
50027 Mouse Lungs £ 4.73 (POLMONI)
50026 Mouse Pancreas £ 4.73 (PANCREAS)
50009 Mouse Skins £ 6.30 (PELLE)
50008 Mouse Spinal Cords £ 4.73 (spinal cord)
50011 £ 4.73 Mouse Spleen (SPLEEN)
50007 Mouse Stomach £ 8.93 (stomach)
50005 Mouse Submaxillary Glands £ 4.73 (salivary glands)
Mouse Tail £ 4.73 50014 (CODA)

Rabbit RABBITS top

Code Description Price
54017 Animal Rabbit Adrenal Glands £ 56.70 (adrenal glands)
54030 Rabbit Brain £ 29.40 (BRAIN)
54029 £ 29.40 Rabbit Eyes (EYE)
54016 Rabbit Heart £ 28.35 (HEART)
54012 Rabbit Kidney £ 26.78 (kidney)
54022 Rabbit Liver £ 28.35 (liver)
54001 Rabbit Lungs £ 28.35 (LUNG)
54031 Rabbit Skins £ 29.40 (LEATHER) £ 26.78
54010 Rabbit Spleen (SPLEEN)
54032 Rabbit Stomach £ 29.40 (stomach)
54011 Rabbit Submaxillary Glands £ 53.55 (salivary glands)

top RATS Rat

Animal Code Description Price 57023
Rat Brain £ 7.88 (BRAIN)
57019 Rat Heart £ 6.83 (HEART) £ 6.30
57026 Rat Kidney (kidney)
57020 Rat Liver £ 6.83 (liver)
57003 Rat Lungs £ 6.83 (LUNG)
57012 £ 6.30 Rat Spleen (SPLEEN ) 57008
Rat Stomach £ 13.13 (stomach)
57013 Rat Submaxillary Glands £ 6.30 (salivary glands)
57014 Rat Tail £ 5.78 (CODA)
57015 Rat £ 13.13 testicles (testes)
57016 Rat Uterus £ 6.30 (urethra)

THIS 'AS I HAVE RECEIVED. THIS IS 'THE END OF THOSE WHO CREATED JUST FOR BEING A PRODUCT. Feelings, ETHICS, FOR The animal died together in the laboratory. Play God to believe in immortality DOOR 'IS NOT ONLY THAT BUT THERE IS NOT NO RELEASE, vivisectors SAME. They can close down sites, threatened to sue anyone who dares to speak, those who dare to rebel. But in this era of crazy, there 'yet who is right and who is opposed to this monstrosity.
I DO NOT HAVE OTHER COMMENTS TO BE ADDED. THAT THERE IS NO NEED TO DENY so frantically OVERT EVIDENCE. We also know that Many researchers are conscientious objectors AND antivivisection. FOR THESE, THE LIFE AND 'VERY HARD AND CAREER UTOPIA.

Tiziana Paghini

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Skinny With Gynecomastia


Tiziana Di Paghini

Although several months have elapsed since my last article on the case of dogs Pavia, I never stopped following the story and to monitor what was going on.
There were many people who have suggested that I close the topic, but I always refused to do so. Possibly I would have written before new, if there had been.
Silence has never been construed as a surrender, as if anything had a 'look' the evolution of events as a spectator.
I NEVER EXPECTS NOTHING GOOD, to be honest, ESPECIALLY by how little will 'WE WERE IN THE CITY OF NATIONAL ACTION MAYBE EVEN WITH ONLY HIS POINT OF VIEW about what was taking place with intent of animals but also of those who have the taxes on time pay.
I remind you, in broad lines, the story / scandal that appeared in our newspaper 'La Provincia Pavese' signed by Maria Grazia Piccaluga the end of last August. A small cloud of dust that only served to move some leaves in the Black Forest, but died in the space of a week or so.
This was in part the published article:

"Here disappear dogs' ENPA launch l’allarme «Ma nessuno ci ascolta»
Pochi i randagi «adottabili» in Strada Paiola E’ un’associazione a ritirarne la maggior parte.

Maria Grazia Piccaluga

Dal 2006 al 26 agosto 2009 (sono dati Asl) sono stati catturati 1960 cani in provincia di Pavia, una media di 550 ogni anno. Il 40% però riguarda animali smarriti e restituiti al padrone, grazie anche all’introduzione di microchip. Il restante 60% dove va? Non è al canile. Hanno tutti una nuova famiglia?
In Strada Paiola i cani rimangono l’indispensabile, giusto i 10 giorni previsti per legge, durante i quali vengono sottoposti a controlli veterinari e vaccinazioni da parte del servizio Asl.
"After observing health - explains Paolo De Masi, head veterinarian of the structure - the dogs are reliable. A private or animal welfare groups. Here at Pavia are very active volunteers of Gaia. Withdraws several. " And here is the problem, reported by some citizens. It happens that the dog is required by a private association and nearly simultaneously. Agreement becomes difficult, said a woman who was denied because the animal already "Options." "I do not know - replies Paolo Fabbri Gaia -. There is a booking system, which is not required by law but is used in some facilities and applies to both private and for associations. A ticketing system that assigns the keeper as it gets. We go every Wednesday, the day of receipt of the public. Photograph and try to make visible and therefore adoptable dogs. " "In fact, sometimes it happens that an individual requesting a dog already booked by the group and in that case have to agree between them," confirms De Masi. "We are extremely available to come into contact with those who want to adopt but things should be kept distinct," adds Gaia Fabbri that relies, for the animals that pick up from there to a facility in Milan, "The Sunflower". The ASL Rules governing the process: "The voluntary animal welfare groups are recognized in the territory withdraw to the next shelter dogs in other kennels operated or affiliated with the associations only in special cases (serious illness, individuals who require behavioral rehabilitation ...) the prior written permission of the veterinarian in charge of the kennel. " "It 's all set - says the voluntary Gaia - Our intention is not to take away the dogs or to individuals but to do something to contend for their welfare. The kennels have only to be places of transit. " The kennel Road Paiola semi-hollow, however, is considered an anomaly.


summary, this is a song from the newspaper on newsstands August 30, 2009.
I wrote about this very respectable and I gave my point of view as a citizen to my liege and civic duties as a taxpayer. If
fished out my past articles, you'll also transcribed my doubts about the success of De Masi, candidly declared a sort of understanding between the Doghouse of Pavia Medical Association called Gaia, and this has long been the territory.
wrote perhaps more than a dozen articles about this fact. I wrote and from there began the threats, the harassment of those who was not exactly agree with my doubts and my anger.
many people were made aware of what was happening, EVEN SOME PEOPLE TEND TO VIEW AND, wrongly, believed And They believe they are untouchable by the vertices that embrace, but sorry to admit that the sacrifice of the undersigned has not been paid off and some was left alone with my ruminations verifiable.
They preferred to another, with the consequences that ensued. At that point, since they do not want to be the Joan of Arc at the stake, I made apparently by.
In all the large universe of so-called animal lovers or pseudo these, there was absolutely no one to back up myself. There were the small groups of usual suspects, of course, from the side of the fence could afford to mock me as a person on Facebook mocking my work, guess my inexperience 'Field' in kennels. A loud voice that you really believe that it is not important but I also suggested to shovel shit in kennels, rather than occupy my time began to defame those who work so hard to make a decent future for 'canetti Pavia'.
pity for these 'minds alls', that the undersigned do much more than you believe, and certainly not proud of their work is merciful and does not enrich either physically or economically with what should be defined, however, charitable . I
and heels, so to speak. If the public is because some inconvenient truths must be asked of all, not only to victims of injustice. And precisely because di questo, magari mi posso permettere di portare al pubblico dubbi e incertezze su quanto non mi torna. E sì, perchè i conti non tornano affatto, semmai sono ancor più strani di un annetto fa.
Quando iniziai ad occuparmi di tutta la vicenda, naturalmente nei limiti consentiti dalla legge, portai a conoscenza a voi tutti anche la mia lunga telefonata con il Responsabile del Dipartimento Medicina Veterinaria dell'Asl di Pavia, Dott. Felice Novazzi.
Chiesi se ciò che l'Associazione Gaia - autodefinita Agguerrita Associazione Pavese- sosteneva a gran voce su Internet, ovvero un accordo con l'Asl stessa per 'svuotare' i canili, fosse realtà.
Lui rise e negò il tutto marcando il suo punto di vista su quanto fosse stufo to hear about certain 'voluntary'.
did not believe him totally, but neither the accused or contestai, indeed. Since, at first was so kind and willing to cooperate, everything I said on the phone card, and sent him back on three recommendations RR. Order to Dr. Novazza, to Dr. Aguzzi and Dr. De Masi.
Answers? None. Clarifications? None.
From then on I continued to dig looking for traces of truth and found out a lot, even if not shared with anyone.
In the thick fog that enveloped the whole dilettai me to look at the wars that were consumed on other blogs, other virtual shores. However, not being listened to by anyone and not getting any support moral decided di lasciare il campo a 'chi sapeva il fatto suo'.
Ad oggi cos'è cambiato realmente?
Ad oggi, o meglio a te giorni fa, e solo concentrandoci sul 2010, sul sito ufficiale dell'Asl di Pavia i cani continuano ad arrivare, ad essere fotografati -stavolta con il logo Asl alle spalle- e ad essere pubblicati. Ma da tre giorni, alla scheda ufficiale se ne aggiunge una seconda che parla di affidi temporanei.
E qui inizia il bello.
Qui non si può più negare di avere contatti con quella che l'Asl chiama solamente Associazione senza altri riferimenti.
Attualmente la scheda dei cani in cerca di casa o di ritrovare la strada di casa -solo 2010- si compone come segue:

** Secondo la scheda delle ADOZIONI TEMPORANEE, dogs in the hands of the Association-guess who is there or re-read the article and the disciplinary process Piccaluga? - would be 28.

** According to the classical local health board, the accounts are a bit different. Save
one by one, this is the current statement of 2010.

- 55 Protocols are presented as follows: WHERE IS THE DOG NOW:
ASSOCIATION - 11 would be the shelter of Pavia Health
- 2 would be housed at a farm.

So in addition to the 28 dogs TEMPORARY ADOPTION card if they should add other not mentioned but, again unless per-adapter-in-hand are a group.

The intro of this new chapter nel sito Asl ha questa dicitura:

Dicitura che, in sostanza non differenzia molto da ciò che De Masi dichiarò sul quotidiano, non fosse altro che queste cessioni dovrebbero essere fatte unicamente laddove l'animale avesse problemi comportamentali tali da non poter essere affidato con tranquillità.
Strano è anche il continuo afflusso di cani che, dopo il Sanitario non è molto chiaro capire dove vengono allocati.
Trasparenza per trasparenza, sarebbe molto più corretto specificare il chip del cane, poichè sembra abbastanza bizzarro che tutti non ne siano provvisti al momento della cattura.
In soldoni, cosa dovrebbe portarci questa news dell'Asl di Pavia che says

"At the kennel health Pavia received all the stray dogs and / or wandering unattended as captured in the province.
The dogs correctly identified and entered in canine regional registry are promptly returned to its rightful owner.
Dogs not identified and for which it was not possible to trace the rightful owner, according to art. LR 115 of 12/30/2009 n. 33, may be surrendered temporary custody in a public or private animal welfare organizations who request it.
If the owner claims the dog within 60 days from the date of capture, the Trustee is obliged to return the animal.
After 60 gg dalla cattura, se il cane non è reclamato dal proprietario, l'affido diviene definitivo.
L'affidatario non può cedere l'animale durante il periodo di affido temporaneo, senza il consenso scritto del gestore del canile affidante ( comma 4 , lettera b - art. 115 LR. 33 del 30.12.2009).
L'affido temporaneo non può essere consentito a privati cittadini o a enti non aventi residenza in Italia ( comma 4 , lettera c - art. 115 LR. 33 del 30.12.2009 ).
In questa sezione sono pubblicate le immagini dei cani ceduti in affido temporaneo allo scopo di facilitare la restituzione degli stessi al legittimo proprietario.
Il cittadino che individui nelle schede il proprio cane smarrito, deve rivolgersi al canile sanitario negli orari di apertura della struttura."

Un bel prologo, non c'è che dire. Ma ricordate il passaggio dell'articolo sul quotidiano?

" Qui a Pavia sono molto attive le volontarie di Gaia. Ne ritirano parecchi». E qui nasce il problema, segnalato da alcuni cittadini. Capita che lo stesso cane venga richiesto da un privato e dall’associazione quasi contemporaneamente. Accordarsi diventa difficile, racconta una signora che si è vista negare la bestiola perché già “opzionata”. «Non mi risulta - ribatte Paola Fabbri di Gaia -. Esiste un sistema di prenotazione, che non è previsto dalla legge ma viene usato in alcune strutture e vale sia per i privati sia per le associazioni. Un sistema di biglietti che la custode assegna man mano che si arriva. Noi andiamo ogni mercoledì, giorno di ricevimento del pubblico. Fotografiamo e cerchiamo di rendere i cani visibili e quindi adottabili». «In effetti a volte capita che un privato chieda un cane già prenotato dall’associazione e in quel caso si devono accordare tra loro» conferma De Masi."


Si parla di un sistema di 'prenotazione' che la legge non prevede ma che viene attuato comunque. E ci dovremmo sentire tranquilli?
E poi, perchè tutti questi cani solo in mano a questa Associazione?
Ma proprio tutti...
Sappiamo anche che i nostri canili non sono poi così pieni di cani, non più, ed è what was reported by the newspaper last year.
So, please, this association, where they stable? Where do these dogs in temporary foster care?
Sorry if you ask me, especially after reading also, again from 'La Provincia Pavese' case on the dog Sabrina:

'It really is curious that the requests come from half a pound of Italy Pavia - still say the ENP - From Parma, from Belluno, from Milan. As if there were no facilities for them. We see that our dogs are beautiful. "

For obvious reasons not all public photos saved, the pdf documents. Although it is said that in the future do not do that, if put into question too. Ora sacrificherei il mio lavoro vero, che mi impegna parecchio, la mia vita che merita attenzione e la vostra lettura. Indagate da voi, non è difficile.
Questo è il sito:
Indagate pure. Non ci vuole molto per capire che qualcosa di strano sta accadendo, poichè se così non fosse, non mi chiederei ancora, ad un anno di distanza, per quale ragione l'Asl di Pavia ha dichiarato di non avere nulla a che fare con Gaia e poi, sul quotidiano ha ammesso esattamente il contrario.
Il lavoro grosso, quello che fino a qualche tempo fa ho operato pubblicamente in nome di una giusta causa, addirittura in difesa di singoli individui che senza qualms I have turned my back, which caused me many problems and much has been mocked, I leave it to some clever mind, a lot smarter than me. Who knows, you know, you know, but always knocking doors for others to say they can be protected against harassment and seeing the job done and easy. Always extrapolates from sources other people without even bothering to cite the source for accuracy.
And I do not care to be attacked again, as happened recently when I decided to take no more than a story that was not mine and I did not know a whole.
I was attacked by an email sent to me by a large group-it was Gaia, not this time, "and I think should be published even if long distance. Read this:

"Hello Tiziana.
I have been informed of his decision. I must confess that I am very disappointed with his attitude from the moment I read his presentation on his blog.
grim determination .... .... . desire for truth ...... .........
animal protection will have definitely had his reasons for taking a step back, even if it means compromising what little pride in human declare all to possess.
But remember that the animals continue to leave and get into the hands marches animalari we gain.
(...) no more, I greet you cordially XXX "

For the moment, I omitted the sender also because, being a fancy name would not have weight. Somebody will anyway.
Speaking for myself, I do not pretend to save the world and not the stock market. No one will ever say what it is or do what I do. I will just tell the truth. The rest is delusion that is not mine and I do not care. Until I see his hand and hit with injustice, I'll talk, but I will not do the good and the bad weather of who is comfortable sitting at a table and be served at all points.

Tiziana Paghini