Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Do I Put Cosco Car Seat Back Together

Pensando al tema dei robot mi sono ricordata di una vecchia serie... Super Vicky. E' stata prodotta negli Stati Uniti nel 1985.
La bambina-robot è stata creata da Ted Lawson (il capo famiglia), ingegnere elettronico per regalare una sorella al suo unico figlio Jamie. Il robot cerca di apprendere i comportamenti umani, però prende tutto ciò they are told literally, has a voice "non-human" and incredible strength. The family says it has adopted the little girl / robot to bring it to life exactly as we have a family member.

a similar theme will be incorporated into the case dr. Slump and Arale ...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Non Religious Wedding Vows

The myth of Pygmalion:

Pygmalion in addition to being the king of Cyprus was a skilled sculptor, but was renouncing love as said he did not have the time. The goddess Aphrodite wanted to punish him for his choice, and so decided to do just fall in love with one of his works that it took so long ... this time the king went all times of the day with his work, so filling it with attention. The statue in question was a beautiful girl, of course she was "insensitive", but when asked Pygmalion Aphrodite to heal him of his passion she trasmormo his "beautiful" in a real woman, whom he married.

However everyone is enamored of his "works" and so also the man of his machines, but they can never repay our love?

In "Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio operator" Calvin, we also find something here that you can connect to this theme, or the ratio of human machine. In the book was absolutely not, in fact he has machines like what they have set aside the personality of the man, forcing him to do repetitive tasks, eliminating the inner dimension. In the case of Seraphim, however, the machine in question was to camera, which forced him to repeat the same action (to turn the crank), in the case of "technology" as we mean here, the relationship is different, but do not rule out some important elements that Calvin helps to focus, through the technologies it is true that we do repetitive tasks, but always adds some element that brings a greater interest and that makes us so passionate about enough to make the machines become so important and essential for us ...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Crowns On Teeth For Sale

The virtual world can be considered communication?

social network, chat, msn, etc. .. Fast ways to communicate, but how do we know that whoever is on the other side is lying there. When we talk directly with a person you can tell whether they are lying by the expression on his face, the uncertainty of the voice, but online it is impossible to notice. In tecnicese called "motivational enhancement effect", which basically tells you in a virtual environment is not only easier to lie, but it would be even compelled to do so because of the total availability of the situation. On the Internet all the time that you want to lie: you can ponder the phrase taking you precious seconds. The search for Michael Woodworth interviewed people using electronic linguistic analysis focusing on certain aspects of the speech as some words and semantics. We have tried to find a common line that would allow to discover the lie in writing. The results are surprising: in addition to reveal a greater detachment from the explanations in relation to murders with no illnesses, words have emerged as recurring themes such as those related to food and money, even in the arguments of a different area. In a future software will be born able to read the lies with minimal error rate. The hi-tech is the best friend of the police and during the chase is to find the serial killer, as in the case of truck drivers murders. The image of the iceberg

recalls the idea of \u200b\u200bconscious and unconscious of Freud. He compares the tip to the conscious, visible manifestation of the unconscious to the part hidden under the acque. Io mi servo di questa immagine in un'altro modo per trattare il tema della realtà e dell'apparente e del reale...

Comunicazione reale o apparente??

"Il mito della caverna di Platone". Immaginiamo dei prigionieri che siano incatenati dall'infanzia, nelle profondità di una caverna, loro sono affidati alla vista e fissano il muro dinanzi a loro. Alle loro spalle vi è un enorme fuoco, loro vedono proiettate per opera di alcuni uomini ombre di vari oggetti che loro ritengono sia la realtà. Se si suppone che uno di questi prigionieri venga liberato, a primo impatto visivo con il fuoco si sentirebbe accecato, le forme del muretto gli seem less real than the shadows which had been used and therefore preferred to turn to these. Similarly, if the victim was forced to come out of the cave and exposed to sunlight will not be able to be in that place. Wanting to get used to the situation of the prisoner initially be able to distinguish only the shadows of people and their reflections in the water, only with the passage of time may hold the light and look at the objects themselves.

does not seem to find some analogy with the world we live in? we look at as it were "shadows" / screen that reflect reality, but are not reality itself ... you feel like saying this? now let's look at a few news "Nice" that is the network facebook:
  • Rome. Anthony and Valerie had to get married on the 8th of May in the Mausoleum of Santa Costanza in Rome, but the marriage was annulled. The future bride discovers compromising photos of her boyfriend to take revenge and carpets throughout Rome with these photos ...
  • A woman working in a Swiss company was fired because he asked one day of illness for a while and migraine was discovered on Facebook ...
  • New York, St. Francis Preparatory School. (April 29) Sign the first cases of swine fever, the school closes. The boys only communicate via phone and facebook.
  • They created a group on facebook ... "Those of Novel infinity, and the idea was born to a group of young students in high school" Alfonso Gatto "in Agropoli (SA). The group is open to anyone who can safely continue the story ...

E 'is fiction or reality? Many times it seems that this "fake" their communication makes what we call reality ...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

How To Unlock Games To School Laptop

And if a robot could suffer us ... become almost "human." Dare we call it robot

<...c'hanno fatti troppo ingamba, troppo veloci e troppo numerosi. Soffriamo per gli errori che hanno commesso, perchè quando la fine arriverà... noi rimaremo, nient'altro... per questo ci odiano tanto...>.

It seems so impossible that a machine could be so??

Well is not that far away ... a world in Corriere della Sera, I found a very interesting article, "Even the robot socialize with Facebook", this title apparently have no relevance to this discourse, but Now I'll tell you a little thing is capable of doing this nice "friend". The robot in questione è chiamato Ibn Sina (nome persiano del filosofo Avicenna), grazie a tre tipi di software, sarà in grado di riconoscere i volti umani, sia dal vivo che in fotografia riuscendo a mettere in relazione le persone in carne ed ossa con le immagini pubblicate online, intavolare conversazioni grazie a un modulo per il linguaggio e, soprattutto, tenere aggiornato il proprio profilo su Facebook aggiungendo nuove foto e informazioni raccolte di giorno in giorno. Estraendo notizie dai profili del social network sarà inoltre grado di conversare perchè è provvisto di un modulo per il linguaggio.

Riusciamo ancora a credere che il futuro è ancora cosi lontano da noi???

ecco una sua foto..

Le sue sembianze sono tipiche della cultura Araba perchè questo "computer/uomo " è stato pensato dal professor Nikolaus Mavridis e dai suoi colleghi dell’Università degli Emirati Arabi Uniti (insieme ad alcuni collaboratori tedeschi e greci).