Monday, May 25, 2009

How To Build A Sailboatrigging

My digital ID card

In 1994 I start playing with the Game Boy with games like Tetris and another space game I can not remember the name. Purchase the first nintendo console knowing Mario Bros, in about 97 start to understand what a computer and learn just a little bit of how MS-DOS, the little that I can play with the lion king and aladdin.

beginning in 2001 to operate the computer even after the game and take the license in the form in this year I have my first phone and so began what would become an addiction in the future: message. A few years later I start to surf the Internet and have an email account.

In 2004, I have a laptop and start my own ADSL subscription, this year I have more than one e-mail address.

BEGINNING in 2006 to use msn to talk with friends and buy my first digital camera, I started to create the first blog with msn and Splinder, sending the first sms from the web, in this same year I my first cell phone to take pictures, however, is that beginning next year to pass photos of the phone to the PC via cable or bluetooth. Starts to download music, to use memory sticks and listen to music on the mp3.

In 2008, I learn to edit images, to create videos with photos, music and various effects.

currently registered on Facebook, driven by the fact that there are many of my friends and because I had spoken very nice test, are included on myspaces, but never use it.
I have a gmail account and blogs (, in addition to computer courses we are creating a platform for e-learning.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eye Operation Cost In Malaysia

Searle: "According to Strong AI, the computer would not only, nello studio della mente, uno strumento; piuttosto, un computer programmato opportunamente è davvero una mente » .

L'intelligenza artificiale nella sua versione "forte", non si limita a considerare il computer come un utile strumento di indagine della mente umana, ma si spinge ad affermare che, con opportuni programmi, esso diviene analogo alla mente umana ed è quindi capace di comprendere e di avere altri stati cognitivi.

Esperimento della stanza cinese.Si immagini di chiudere in una stanza una persona che non conosce una parola di cinese. La persona ha a disposizione due gruppi di fogli: sui fogli del primo si trova una serie di caratteri cinesi, sugli altri fogli ci sono instructions on how to use the same characters. The task assigned to the person in question is to produce sets of Chinese characters (responses), only the following instructions, whenever it receives from outside the Chinese character sets (questions). The key point is that a Chinese experiment to create the questions and read the responses received, the person locked in the room looks like it can understand Chinese, but, in reality, merely manipulating symbols without meaning on the based instruction.

This thought experiment is intended to show that the simple syntactic manipulation of formal symbols does not in itself constitute a semantics, that is no guarantee that the system understands what he is doing. More generally, the experiment poses to our attention the fact that a system that behaves as if mental states do not allow us to be sure that it really possesses these states. In general, for Searle, 'having a mind' means having a conscience, that mental states are not reducible to neurophysiological processes of the brain (which, however, have caused), because they have ontological subjectivity: that conscious states exist, ie, only as experienced by an agent.

In "The intentional stance, Dennett says that" the speed is part of the 'essence' of intelligence. If you can not calculate the relevant parts of the environment changing quickly enough to provide for themselves, it was not pretty smart, however complex it is. "The structure of the human brain has a degree of speed to handle inputs and the output like this: is this feature that determines the behavior of the subject and which governs the intentional activity intelligent. So, Dennett's theory is that what a car should mimic the brain in order to say that it has a mind is not some dark and mysterious causal powers that produce at a higher level mental states, but the right speed of information processing. In Dennett's words: "Consider two different implementations of the same program. In a sense, both implementations have the same capabilities - both 'compute the same function' - but by virtue of nothing but his speed, one of them have causal powers of which the other lacks, "and again:" the relative speed is crucial in allowing that there must be the exact types of sequences of interaction environment - a body. "
still do not know exactly how the brain works,

and this, according to Dennett, is the only real obstacle that separates us from the realization di una macchina pensante. Ciò che Dennett vuole sottolineare è che può essere vero che un computer digitale non potrà mai attivare il programma giusto abbastanza velocemente da riprodurre in tempo reale il funzionamento del cervello, cioè quei poteri causali attraverso cui esso produce il controllo della rapida, intelligente, attività intenzionale. Tuttora non si è ancora riusciti in questo intento e, anzi, nonostante i successi conseguiti si è lontani dall'obiettivo.
Tuttavia, secondo Dennett, questo argomento può anche essere falso: è assurdo scartare l'ipotesi che un giorno l'IA riesca a realizzare un programma del genere, perché in linea teorica non è impossibile. Questa è la vera scommessa AI. The models so far prepared by experts in artificial intelligence for now keep their scientific value: they are useful in studying the essence of the human mind, and are made with a view ultrasemplificazione, just like the models used by other branches of science.

Dennett, "argues that if there is no magic spark or soul, then man is nothing but a machine, and wonders why this man-machine should have the prime position on all other machines as possible with regard to intelligence or having a "mind"

Long Sleevedvintage Inspired Dress

Wall E

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Marianna Orjanyan On Facebook

I want to take into account the "voice", the robot can never be defined as "talking"?
In men we talk about creativity of language, which allows him to make an infinite number of sentences, but we also come within the various metaphors or jokes that usually occurs when a man speaks ... A robot will never be able to produce these language games and to understand its meaning?

The evolution of man, has a long history, but we make the jump ... we leave the man of Neaderthan. Homo sapiens was a man highly evolved, had an 'idea of \u200b\u200blife and death, it had a tendency to bury its dead, but was however able to produce sound evolved, there was no man to Neaderthal tract above the larynx, which allows two important functions:

1.Chiudere lungs
2. This sudden change

breathe deeply the structure of the vocal and digestive.
Neaderthan could not talk as I said ... and this brings the woman to get away from him ..

This is a representation of the engineering model of Shannon and Weaver, however, rather than invoke the method of communication between two people, seems to speak of two machines, perchè tutto è trasmesso linearmente. Non viene preso in considerazione il fatto che due persone possano fraintendersi, quindi un errore di comprensione.

Quest'immagine è tratta da "Corso di linguistica generale" di Saussure. Siamo collocati qui nel cossidetto "atto di parole", vi devono essere minimo due individui per completare il circuito. Questo può essere considerato l'embrione del linguaggio,bisogna uscire dal fatto individuale (in cui tra gli individui si stabilisce una sorta di media: tutti produranno, certo non esattamente ma approssimativamente, gli stessi segni uniti agli stessi concetti) e abbordare al fatto sociale.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How To Unlock Gta Iv Pc Manually

Io robot

Monday, May 11, 2009

Real Teeth Braces Color Chooser

Robot - Le bestie mitologiche del futuro sono già qui.
Colonizzeranno il mondo, i "mostri" della tecnologia? Vedremo androidi con teste umane scorrazzare per le città o zampe robotiche muoversi grazie agli impulsi elettrici del cervello di una scimmia? Ci crediate o no, le nuove creature mitologiche sono già in mezzo a noi. (Andrea Porta, 15 febbraio 2008)
Teste parlanti capaci di conversare e di comunicare con le espressioni del volto: ecco i mostri della tecnologia, bestie della mitologia contemporanea.
Lion la testa, il petto capra e drago la coda, e dalla bocca orrende vampe vomitava di foco... Così Omero descrive nell'Iliade la chimera, mostruosa belva nata dalla folle unione di due creature altrettanto mostruose. Ibridi, "creature", bestie immaginarie di ogni genere popolano la storia della cultura non solo occidentale. Secondo alcuni sono archetipi, cioè immagini simboliche che ricorrono, anche in forme diverse, in vari momenti della civiltà: oggi nessuno racconta più di unicorni o cerberi, eppure di creature "mitiche" ne esistono ancora. Non abitano più nei racconti popolari o nelle leggende, ma nella scienza e nella tecnologia. And they are much more real and concrete than any dream.

CENTAURO: irascible and violent, the centaur is half man and half horse.
CHIMERA: a little 'lion, a little' goat, a little 'dragon ... The chimera is a fantastic creature, symbol of the unattainable myth.
Dollface: what would happen if robots take "life" and artificial intelligence becoming indistinguishable from the biological?

The new creatures in recent years science has produced incredible creatures: from humanoid copy man (or at least try) appearance and intelligence of animals used in experiments on the nervous system, in an area where electronics and biology merge. Some examples? A researcher at Duke University (USA) has linked robotic limbs to the brain of a monkey who can thus move the claws of steel as if they were his. Another American scholar has instead managed to create quasi-human heads that interact with humans: they listen, understand, respond, even adapting to the context the expression of the face. There is also the designer robotic muscles along the lines of those human e pelli sintetiche che riproducono le rughe (d'espressione e non) di un volto vero. Ma l'uomo non è l'unico modello: nei laboratori si studiano la vista notturna delle falene, gli occhi delle mosche, il sistema di orientamento dei pipistrelli, il senso dell'orientamento delle vespe... Tutto per carpire qualche segreto a "Madre Natura" e creare organismi cibernetici, i cyborg, un po' animali e un po' macchine, che possano rendere più facile la nostra vita.

Insetti, quadrupedi, serpenti: ecco come i robot copiano la natura.
Da dove prendere spunto per inventarsi new automata? From the most perfect already there: nature. So here is that creatures are born with legs of steel from a beetle, moth eyes, walks his horse and the sinuous water snakes. Robot-
insects so small that they enter the human body: that is the challenge of nanotechnology. A MicroBot like this could one day navigate through our blood vessels and save their lives. I still hesitate MicoBot only in the imagination of artist-scientists, but meanwhile today "live" its precursors. Snake-Like ...
Wanting to choose an insect to be used as a model for his robots, Roger Quinn, director of the laboratory of "biologically inspired robotics" at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Usa), non ha optato per la strada più facile. Ajax, il suo prototipo, si ispira infatti a uno scarafaggio, il blaberus discoidalis (diffuso nei Caraibi), dalla cui complessa anatomia Quinn ha copiato le articolazioni delle zampe. Venti volte più grande della blatta, Ajax ha dodici giunture pneumatiche che gli conferiscono 24 "gradi di libertà", ovvero modi diversi di articolare i suoi movimenti. Quinn, come molti suoi colleghi, persegue la strada della biomimesi: «Facciamo evolvere la robotica impiegando le conoscenze che derivano dallo studio dei meccanismi biologici. In pratica, rubano idee dalla natura. Da questi insetti poco piacevoli c'è anche chi vuole carpire i segreti del senso dell'orientamento, nascosti, pare, proprio nelle lunghe antenne. Il robottino sviluppato da Noah Cowan (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimora, Usa) ha speciali prolungamenti che si estendono dal corpo centrale e che, a contatto con ostacoli, avvertono il sistema di navigazione incorporato, un po' come fanno le vibrisse (baffi) dei gatti. E se nemmeno "a tastoni" i robot riescono a muoversi in sicurezza, allora serve la supervista delle falene: alla Cardiff University (Galles) è stato da poco presentato un obiettivo realizzato imitando le strutture nanoscopiche di cui sono dotati gli occhi dell'insetto, in grado di trattenere anche la minima quantità di luce.

L'ultima versione di Ajax, il robot scarafaggio realizzato alla Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland (USA) modeled the complex articulations of the legs of the insect. It is not the only cyber cockroach: watch the video "The insect guide" on the work of Garnet Hertz .

indestructible skeleton? It is "out" At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, robotic insects are worn: These are the exoskeletons, or "external skeletons" conceptually similar to the rigid armor that support and protect the internal organs of many insects and spiders. Hugh Herr, a researcher at the Group Biomecatronica of the prestigious American university, has recentemente presentato una struttura pneumatica che, indossata sulle gambe e collegata a una centralina da portare in uno zaino, "sorregge" il corpo quando è sottoposto a sforzi e riduce dell'80% la fatica necessaria a trasportare qualsiasi peso.Cani e serpenti. Per sollevare pesi l'esoscheletro fa comodo, ma ancora meglio sarebbe lasciare tutta la fatica a creature come BigDog ( video ) e LittleDog, inquietanti robot un po' cani, un po' androidi e un po' animali da soma. Forti e resistenti, questi prototipi di quadrupede imitano i movimenti di cani e cavalli in ogni condizione di camminata e su ogni tipo di terreno. Si arrampicano, avanzano sicuri sulla neve e sullo sterrato, e in nessun If they fall: immediate response to special gyroscopic systems are in fact able to compensate on the fly any deviation from the state of equilibrium. At another extreme of this evolutionary line of cyber-animal specialist, there are others who do not know what to make of the legs: the snakes. Like their biological models, even the robot easily insinuate themselves everywhere: ACM-R5 amphibious Japanese snake is designed to move through the rubble of an earthquake and search for survivors of earthquakes, but also jumping into the water and explore the depths. And there are more small and HeartLander i-Snake, made respectively by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and the Imperial College of London, are designed to slip ... in our body and heal from the inside! Science fiction? Not at all: watch the video of i-Snake to work on the heart of a pig .
Wildlife Robotics: science and science fiction.

Designed to study the nervous system, the cyborg-animals are filling laboratories around the world. They are creatures unimaginable until a few years ago, vehicles moved from the brains of moths, frogs death that move the legs on the Internet and American monkeys that move robotic legs in Japan. If there
, RoboCop and Terminator are no longer alone. These cyborg with a human, with both biological and artificial organs, today might have ... even a pet! Robotics is already arrived at the animal kingdom and the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting to take anatomy and physiology of animal to achieve more efficient robot (this line of research is called biomimicry) has borne much fruit: they are the cyborg-animal chimeras of our time, born from the marriage between biology and technology. And sometimes even "art", as it must be said, is a concept of art very discutibile.Garnet Hertz is a Canadian researcher, which he says is "electro-art" robotic animals he uses them to make us reflect on the border between natural and artificial. Its the RoachBot, moved by the instinct of a cockroach, and the dead frog exposed to the public formaldehyde, which can move in all, connecting to the Internet, with simple online commands. To what end? Show how close the biology and technology. Perhaps enough to say, and now we also know that animals are all cyborgs to a bad end. "ART" AND FROGS Mortel neurobotica "Basically," combine "machines in some parts of the human body has led to major innovations, such as the implementation of artificial hearts, "says Charles Higgins, University of Arizona. Why not try it with the brain? The final frontier of neuroscience is the neurorobotica, which aims to make robots interact and organic brains. The experiments, conducted for the time being only on animals, have produced risultati che i ricercatori definiscono "incoraggianti". Ma hanno anche dato vita a creature mai viste prima. C'è ad esempio il RoboFalena, presentato dallo stesso Higgins in occasione della 37° edizione del meeting annuale della Società Americana di Neuroscienze. È una piccola macchina, "guidata" da una farfalla amante dell'oscurità: i movimenti del robot sono azionati da impulsi provenienti da elettrodi impiantati nel minuscolo cervello dell'insetto che, immobilizzato all'interno di un tubo di plastica, vede scorrere attorno a sé solamente strisce colorate che riproducono quello che la farfalla percepisce durante il volo. Solo così, infatti, i neuroni che durante il volo stabilizzano la vista della falena emettono i segnali actually drive the electric drive mechanism. And in a moment moth and transformed robot into a single being. " Transmission of thought. Miguel Nicolelis at Duke University (North Carolina, USA) wanted to do even more. Her cyborg is in two places at once: the head of the United States, the body in Japan. Employing a similar principle to that of the moth to Higgins, the researcher is connected to the brain of a monkey, "guest" of his laboratory, some sensors that record the signals from the brain of the animal while walking is done. The signals are then sent sent to the Institute of Advanced Telecommunications Research in Tokyo where they are encoded and transmitted to a robot able to rework them. And in no time at all, the artificial legs start to walk, following the steps of a monkey at the other end of the world.
(article from )

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Are Shower Stems Universal?

Science and Technology are part of the solution not the problem.

Today we hear at every opportunity to point out the technology, as responsible for our violence, and the delay in our moral growth. According to them, moral evolution not would keep pace with technological change, and we would like big kids with toys too dangerous for our still poor knowledge ethics. And the solution would be: stop the technological and scientific development, to ensure that the morale of catch up!
Nothing could be more false and dangerous: it is like trying to remove the ax and the hydrant from the hands of a fireman trying to save us from the fire of our house. The people of the third millennium, if you want to have a hope to continue to grow as a civilization, can not do without the technology more than I can do without fresh water to drink. It is also the day when we will have fresh water and oxygen only through to our technology, since we were not able to commit suicide before. But perhaps those who pronounce these accusations against our only hope of salvation just hoping that we "to catch on fire," so we will be punished for having "ruined the planet." Without the technology we have no hope of salvation in any direction with respect to any of the "fire" ahead.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Faint Line On At Home Drug Screen

Nature is one more step ...

The natural world is wonderfully perfect. Every planet has a way to communicate (which is often not understood).

I want to take as an example the shark. Many think it is a dangerous animal, and no doubt it is, but wants the injury led to believe that the shark mangia gli uomini, in realtà non siamo una "alimentazione" gradita. Infatti, casi in cui lo squalo attacca l'uomo sono dovuti ad un errore per cui lo squalo ci scambia per qualcosa'altro oppure perché ci vede come una minaccia e cerca quindi di difendersi. Lo squalo non mangia interamente l'uomo, lo solo "assaggia", questo è il suo modo per entrare in comunicazione con lui e conoscerlo... entra in contatto con noi...

Il mondo naturale ha subito l'affascinante evoluzione della specie, le creature viventi si sono dovute evolvere per sopravvivere, per adattarsi all'ambiente.

Cose che le macchine non saranno mai in grado di compiere, qui il loro grande deficit. Tutti i film basati su rivoluzioni da parte del mondo delle tecnologie sono infondati. Le macchine per continuare ad esistere dovrebbero riparasi tra di loro, ma per far questo dovrebbero essere costruite con un programma apposito e non solo dovrebbero comunicarsi quando hanno il bisogno di essere riparate... insomma il tutto mi sembra molto difficile, ma comunque resta qualcosa di molto affascinante...