Sunday, May 3, 2009

Are Shower Stems Universal?

Science and Technology are part of the solution not the problem.

Today we hear at every opportunity to point out the technology, as responsible for our violence, and the delay in our moral growth. According to them, moral evolution not would keep pace with technological change, and we would like big kids with toys too dangerous for our still poor knowledge ethics. And the solution would be: stop the technological and scientific development, to ensure that the morale of catch up!
Nothing could be more false and dangerous: it is like trying to remove the ax and the hydrant from the hands of a fireman trying to save us from the fire of our house. The people of the third millennium, if you want to have a hope to continue to grow as a civilization, can not do without the technology more than I can do without fresh water to drink. It is also the day when we will have fresh water and oxygen only through to our technology, since we were not able to commit suicide before. But perhaps those who pronounce these accusations against our only hope of salvation just hoping that we "to catch on fire," so we will be punished for having "ruined the planet." Without the technology we have no hope of salvation in any direction with respect to any of the "fire" ahead.


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