Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Tiziana Paghini
apparently forced into silence. Threatened, sued, denounced, vilified, under investigation for God knows what and waiting for lights, uncomfortable because they can understand in my own little that something is wrong. Left alone by whom, on the contrary would have had the decency to DUTY to support this drama that is not at all confined to the dogs. Please let us remember, that cats are no less victims of the dogs, indeed! Let us not forget that the animals that end up in Germany are not of concern than those of affection is not properly defined and whose fate is cruel.
remember that the illegal trade of animals also affects most of the cats that often contraario dogs, are not 'mapped', and just disappear. And do not even want to believe that someone may have done away with my Dell, my great friend for a similar reason. The heart says otherwise, the reason ferocee waver in doubt, I regret to say that the concerns often become excruciating and painful certainties.
Apparently the gag to her mouth, but this is not a problem because the facts speak without my even intervene directly. Glad to see, however, that things did not depend by me, from my work, my readers who have always had the sole aim to seek clarity where the darkness was the only available light, even though some want to believe otherwise.
Cut off completely by those who have interest in the truth because of that boasts fertile and wraps the shoulders of a standard that today becomes insulting the flag of the same animal because, by those who say to defend it from those who claim to be viable but in due Specifically, like Pontius Pilate washes his hands.
Marginalized but not silly at all, even if the real bomb in my opinion is not far to explode, because when you pull the rope too and it is believed 'untouchable' the noose tightens around the lies and liars and things, the facts be degenerate, I find this document video on Youtube and publish it at that.
We are capable of consent? We can think with our heads? We can appeal to the freedom of thought and expression especially where there are back bills? We are not in total censorship. We are not in China. If something is wrong, if we do not get answers related to tangible concreteness we are in moral and ethical duty to ask. This tells our Constitution as the cornerstone to rely not only our duty but also our rights.
If at least one of these questions you answered a resounding "yes", then this video is enlightening.
Unomattina comes from this passage of truth, the voice is that of someone who is Federfauna, hunters, and we just do not like the idea that the only real voci giungano da quelli che -non me ne vogliano i rappresentanti di Federfauna, nulla di personale contro di loro ma una diversa maniera di approcciare le idee e i credo- propriamente non abbracciamo come amici perchè la caccia non ci piace.
Questo è il video reperibile su:
e direttamente su Youtube al link:
Che cosa dire in aggiunta?
Che se ne parla da tanto di quel tempo da non potere dire quanto? Che abbiamo leggi large but are 'modified', torn, trampled the first to arrive?
that, even if not as they should, the media too often or for other reasons crap shoot articulate arguments in this case meet the many doubts that many of us have jobs?
few minutes of video, and if anyone still has doubts means that instead of advocating the cause of animal should be content with cultivating the 'greens' in their 'backyard' of holiness without which bear on the ground because there is no saint, here among mortals there is almost nothing.
Everyone does what it can and does not want wreaths and red carpets. Only the truth. Not one shot at your own convenience, but one that can touch because essence of truth is not abstract but tangible in negative or positive.
You can find 'illusion' to scare those who see and feel with green letters of attorney. You can take me to court, before judges, but in my 40 years of life I can tell you one thing: underestimating the average person who does not actually belong to any political faction, and no association, is not about who is who stands before us naked , left to themselves and to their Idde considered revolutionary.
This is the sin of pride, and we know that this journey into the coach and most of the time, time to time, if he goes home barefoot.
Rifettete, please. Why is everything what remains to try to stem a leak of Transatlantic is not taking on water, but sinking in a sea of \u200b\u200binnocent blood and human shit. And there are no watertight bulkheads take.
Tiziana Paghini
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Bowel Movement And Cleaning

2nd place: Joel & Ethan Coen for A Serious Man

(Saoirse Ronan for The Lovely Bones - Helen Mirren for The Last Station )

(Michael Stuhlbarg for A Serious Man - Ben Whishaw for Bright Star )
3rd place: Alec Baldwin for It 'difficult
Best European Act
Best Italian Act

Giovanna Mezzogiorno for
Win 2nd place: Valerio Mastandrea for The first nice thing
3rd place: Stefania Sandrelli for The first nice thing
My Best Heart Confidential

Cheri of Stephen Frears
2nd place: A Single Man Tom Ford
3rd place: Jane Campion's Bright Star
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For once honor the Italian distribution that has been very careful to leave room in smears two sensational as The Blind Side (recently published directly to a DVD) and Precious . An exclamation clearly challenging, due to the enormous, disproportionate consideration paid to these two films in America by both the public (The Blind Side has grossed more than $ 250 million!) And critics ( Precious figure in almost all the lists of best films of the year). It is not bad works (although Precious in some respects, it is), only largely overestimated. In addition to specular and only apparently conflicting.

The Blind Side (based on a true story) is conventional, a classic drama with a social background in pure Hollywood style with the usual ingredients lined up one behind the other (the right dose of irony , carefully balanced between pathos and dryness, alternating between drama and comedy el'ennesima celebration of the perfect American family and the importance of education to achieve success) but at least it is not pretentious. Sandra Bullock, with his sympathy and his undeniable charm daily work and is the only reason seguire il film fino in fondo. Nel ruolo della generosa Leigh Anne Tuhoy, madre e moglie perfetta incline per natura ad aiutare il prossimo (accoglie in casa il giovane senzatetto afro-americano Michael Oher destinato a diventare un campione di football) la Bullock ha il piglio giusto, quel mix di ironia, grinta e trattenuta compassione che fa centro. L’Oscar come miglior attrice, però, è francamente troppo.

Discorso diverso merita Precious, Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire . L’incredibile calvario della sedicenne afro-americana Precious ( Gabourey Sidibe ) in quel di Harlem nel 1987 è raccontato con un gusto per gli aspetti most miserable to say the least controversial and morbid, and is represented in a style so rich and overload effects (soft focus, slow motion, photo glossy paper, hand-held camera that would mimic the cinema truth, mounting clips), which contrasts so annoying and grating with the subject matter.

Con un tema del genere ci voleva un rigore ed a feeling that Lee Daniels has not (and was nominated for an Oscar ...). The director instead wallowing heavily to the bottom of misery, treading the hand as possible where common sense would demand to reduce and trying to wrest the truth from his actresses through insistent closeups that have a kind of pornography. And they try to save the cabin (and they succeed) just actresses: Gabourey Sidibe, perfectly expressing the opacity leathery and the immense suffering of Precious and especially Mo'Nique, in a sensational performance that earned her all the prizes in the world. When on stage she can not look anywhere else, so it is impressive and frightening.
Friday, July 30, 2010
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"A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It grows in grace, never pass into nothingness" ( Keats, Endymion )
How Bright Star was able to miss all the latest edition of the major Oscar nominations (other than that, well deserved, for the costumes by Janet Patterson) remains a mystery. And as the Academy may have preferred the last work of Jane Campion's An Education more conventional (to quote the title closer for taste and sensitivity) with a couple of other films much less worthy (read The Blind Side and Precious , which I'll discuss shortly) is a disgrace. Someone tell that to Jane Campion's Bright Star not have had any luck at the Oscars but was immediately inserted into the candidacy Best Awards 2009-2010 Confidential for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress and Best Actor. Well as by the quintet Best My Heart Confidential that includes my favorite games of the season just ended Coraline, Cheri , A Single Man and Lovely Bones .
" A poem must be understood through the senses", "soothes the soul and urges him to accept the mystery" , says the young poet Keats to Fanny neo student during their first lesson in poetry . And it is through the senses that is experienced and understood as a film Star Bright: bright and pure as its title, as the words of Keats, as the face of sublime Abbie Cornish.
The tormented love story between John Keats, orphaned and without income from poor health, and the neighbor Fanny Brawne, embroidery temperament strong, stubborn and independent and muse of the poet in his later years (1818-1821 ) offre a Jane Campion l'occasione per un film fuori dal tempo e dalle mode, perfettamente ancorato nello stile visivo (trasparente) e nel passo narrativo (piano e silenzioso) all'idea di amore romantico espressa nelle poesie di Keats. Il risultato è un gioiello assoluto di misura, rigore e grazia, all'altezza dei capolavori dell'autrice neozelandese, Lezioni di Piano e Ritratto di Signora .
Ma se nei film precedenti la Campion sviscerava la dimensione selvaggia e carnale dell'amore o quella dell'amore come violenza e fascinazione/sottomissione psicologica, in Bright Star è l'amore vagheggiato attraverso la sublimazione poetica a costituire il centro del discorso. Non c'è spazio per la fisicità, se non in brevi fugaci momenti (elettrizzanti) ma questo non vuol dire che il dolore e la passione non siano ugualmente lancinanti. Tutto passa attraverso la magia della parola poetica, che si tratti di un poema appena composto o di una lettera che tiene avvinti gli amanti ad un sogno, una promessa, l'attesa di un ritorno. Una parola poetica che non è mai stata così sensuale e così abilmente tradotta in immagini.

La Campion taglia inquadrature-capolavoro con la luce così come Fanny ricama e taglia tessuti e Keats compone architetture di parole. Arte. Il film non never runs the risk of style and academic year because every image has a density and an interpenetration of form and content that takes your breath away. No movement of the machine free of charge. No time narrative artifice or directing unnecessary. But Bright Star also works great as serene and at the same time painful melodrama about a love of poetry and soaked for, as such, to struggle with the mundane world (the economic condition of Keats which would enable him to marry Fanny, 's dislike of his tutor, Charles Brown, the disease). And as such is dominated by strong-willed heroine and proud to fight to the end to stay close to his beloved.

Ben Whishaw seems born to embody John Keats, but the soul of the film is Abbie Cornish. The Campion has always been masterful in directing his actresses to a level of excellence. And after Hunter, Kidman and Winslet, does not disprove his gift with the Cornish: radiant, measured and powerful, alternatives pride, angularity and openness of the salon first scene ("My sewing has more merit and admirers of scribbles both. And I can make money ", sentenced to Brown and Keats) to the stirrings of love in all its phases, including sweetness, fear, ecstasy and abandonment. Until the epilogue, memorable, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful end of the year (and as beautiful as the race of Nicole / Isabel Archer in the final Portrait of a Lady ): Fanny's reaction to the news of the death of Keats is a scene of devastating intensity (severity and directing textbook) and the Cornish deserved the Oscar just for that moment. L 'image of a hearse in the English desert is never so chilling. And it's great the last close to Fanny who walks in the woods dressed in black and recites verses from the tears of his beloved.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sample Email For Depressed

It 'was announced this morning at a press conference in Rome in the presence of the program director Marco Muller of the 67th Mostra del Cinema di Venezia. Among the films in competition, as well as Black Swan of Aronofski even Somewhere Sofia Coppola, the expected Miral Julian Schnabel, Promises Written in Water Vincent Gallo and François Ozon's latest work, Tom Tykwer, Alex De La Inglesias and Monte Hellman. Nutritissima the Italian patrol with Solitude of Prime Numbers Saverio Costanzo, The black sheep of Ascanio Celestini, We thought Mario Martone and Passion Carlo Mazzacurati.
Out of competition space The Town, the second film by Ben Affleck, sisters never Marco Bellocchio (with Alba Rohrwacher and Donatella Finocchiaro), Vallanzasca Michele Placido, Machete Robert Rodriguez, The Tempest Julie Taymor.
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After putting the blog in stand-by for almost two months (on the motivations of such a lethargy ask my analyst) am forced to catch up and recap quickly on the major events of the American executive's show I could not make a timely report . And so, after the Emmy nominations, you need a quick post on Tony Awards , allocated at the beginning of June, if only because the ceremony was triumph more than ever the stars of Hollywood.
Catherine Zeta-Jones , beaming and irrepressible, won best actress for the musical A Little Night Music . The need is to enter the Emmy shortlist of players awarded three top prizes of the show the stars and stripes (Oscar, Tony and Emmy). Always wins the first time the Zeta-Jones. And 'the spitting image of ambition, safety, success. And luck. But as a musical performer is magnificent.

Finally Denzel Washington and Viola Davis (unforgettable in Doubt ) have triumphed as best actor for Fences (best revival of a work in prose). Davis has defeated so Laura Linney (nominated for Time Stands Still), which is seen blowing his nose Oscar and Tony, one behind the other (but can console himself with the 'Emmy win last year for the miniseries John Adams) .
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
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Monday, April 26, 2010
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document is waiting? FROM THE SOURCE THAT HAS SENT ME, say yes'.
THIS 'IN SUMMARY, THE PRICELIST OF ANIMAL LIFE FOR THE PURPOSE OF RESEARCH. Born to be destined to die in the name of research. Born, raised to be hacked to pieces and sold. Both the law allow it. These are the animals in some cultures who dare to be called 'superior'. Respect for life is just a mere concept of culture absolutely speciesist, where the supremacy of man is in sharp contrast with the right to animal life. Both the law allow it.
Animals that are then mated, the litter once born, be killed. This is it, and not me to say, but the facts.
But since I sent the link does not open anything important or significant, I might add another link, where you will not need translators or translations and where you can see for yourself that, in Essentially, the concept of the post does not change, if anything, changing the clients.
The link is:
Here you will find these promo to advertise the content to be shivering. We mention just a few steps, and if the site opens, no problem. I have the pdf and will result in the detailed pictures that prove what I am describing:

clicking on images you should easily find the link from and enlarge the whole browser. Do not play with the truth, and I'm not I'm enjoying it at all. Rewrite passages:
" Services enclosure
** stabling of animals purchased from authorized supplier companies with proven safety and about the health of animals supplied to maintain the premises for breeding. The service is limited supervision and management of animal housing.
** Reproduction, breeding and care of colonies of knockout and transgenic animals and to conventional aging: mating management of colonies of mice or rats with homozygous or heterozygous genetic control on breeding. The ability to access the service in relation to the spaces required and to the size of the colony to maintain.
** Supply of animals or the sale of organs or to animal testing. This provision is allowed only within dell'INRCA or researchers involved in scientific structures that have concluded a special agreement with the Institute INRCA.
Service Livestock and Animal Testing
The Livestock and Animal Testing Service offers services to users of enclosures, Laboratory, Veterinary Consulting, operating room.
various services. Also in compliance with applicable law, other types of services that constitute animal testing or sampling organs from animals can be provided by the hotel after having assessed the suitability of the Service Manager.
All the above activities shall comply with the provisions of Law (Legislative Decree 116/92 and Decree circulars)
Possibility of agreements with third parties for the activities listed above.
And then, of this site is also a great Disclaimer for visitors and their points of view:

'It is prohibited to send messages defamatory, obscene, libelous or otherwise contrary to the provisions of law. The owner of the site will fully cooperate with any authority giving ready performance measures to identify those who commit illegal acts of sending material to the site.
If the owner sees that there has been a breach of the terms and conditions contained herein, may immediately take corrective action, including preventing the user to use the services offered on the site and delete any information, data or content posted by the website ' user at any time without notice, without taking any responsibility in this regard.
The visitor / user shall indemnify the owner of the site from all claims, damages, liabilities, court proceedings, and any other damages or loss arising out of or in connection with the use da parte del visitatore/utente dei servizi di discussione, scambio di opinioni, invio trasmissione e similari forniti dal sito."
Questo, invece, è il documento originale a me inviato e che, come ripeto, ha un link che non apre come dovrebbe.
Ecco il commercio di organi di animali da laboratorio. Questa è Harlan Sera-Lab Ltd
Tissues, Organs, Glands
(Dog, Guinea Pig, Marmoset, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat)
(Cani, Porcellini d'Tndia o criceti, scimmiette, Topi, conigli, ratti)
Due to the resources of the Harlan group worldwide, Harlan Sera-Lab Ltd. is
able to provide an extensive range of tissues, organs and glands from many
animal species. Controlled breeding under strict barrier conditions or
genetically controlled colonies ensures the health status of the animals and
maintains products of the highest quality. An example of pricing for various
organs in different species is listed below. Contact Customer Services for a quotation on
Any products not listed. All Tissues, organs and glands are
Collected, flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and shipped on dry ice are Normally.
Products Can Be Provided "fresh" or preservative in
for specific customer requirements. Also We are pleased to quote for bulk shipments. Specific
strains and animals of specific age and sex can be Obtained on request.
TRANSLATION: the Harlan Sera-Lab Ltd. is able to provide a wide range of tissues, organs and glands of many animal species.
check the breeding of animals by ensuring the genetic conditions of the colonies. It ensures the health of animals and maintains products the highest quality. An example of pricing for various organs in different species are listed below. Customer service contact for a quotation on any product not listed are available.
All tissues, organs and glands are collected, frozen in liquid nitrogen and are usually shipped on dry ice. The products can be delivered "fresh" or preservative for specific customer requirements. We are also pleased to offer loads also different. Specific strains of animals and age and sex may be obtained upon request.
Dog - DOG -
Code Animal Description Price 57021
Dog Adrenal Glands £ 411.60 (adrenal glands) Dog Brain
57023 £ 274.05 (BRAIN)
57025 £ 164.85 Dog Eyes (EYE) Dog Heart
57019 £ 205.80 (HEART) £ 205.80
57026 Dog Kidney (kidney) Dog Liver
57020 £ 205.80 (LIVER)
57003 Dog Lungs £ 411.60 (LUNG)
57012 Dog Ovaries £ 411.60 (ovaries)
57008 Dog Pancreas £ 411.60 (pancreas) Dog Prostate
57013 £ 411.60 (PROSTATE)
Dog Spleen £ 57,014 342.30 (spleen)
57015 Dog Stomach £ 411.60 (stomach)
57016 Dog Submaxillary Glands £ 342.30 (sweat glands SALIVARY O)
Dog testicles £ 57,011 136.50 (testicles)
top Guinea Pig Guinea Pigs, Pig GUINEA
Animal Code Description Price
52004 Guinea Pig Brain £ 15.53 (BRAIN)
52017 Guinea Pig Heart £ 13.80 (HEART)
52014 Guinea Pig Kidney £ 12.08 (kidney)
52022 Guinea Pig Liver £ 13.23 (liver)
52006 Guinea Pig Lungs £ 13.23 (LUNG)
52019 Guinea Pig Ovaries £ 29.90 (ovaries)
52026 Guinea Pig Pancreas £ 13.23 (pancreas)
52020 Guinea Pig Prostate £ 13.80 (PROSTATE)
52029 Guinea Pig Skins £ 13.23 (leather)
52030 Guinea Pig Spinal Cords £ 15.23 (spinal cord)
52007 Guinea Pig Spleen £ 12.08 (MILZA)
52031 Guinea Pig Stomach £ 15.53 (STOMACO)
52013 Guinea Pig Submaxillary Glands £ 12.08 (GHIANDOLE SALIVARI E/O SUDORIFERE)
Marmoset top (Piccola scimmia nativa del Sud America della famiglia delle Callithricidae)
Code Animal Description Price
57809 Marmoset Bladder £ 219.45 (VESCICA)
57810 Marmoset Brain £ 274.05 (CERVELLO)
57812 Marmoset Heart £ 274.05 (CUORE)
57813 Marmoset Liver £ 219.45 (FEGATO)
57814 Marmoset Lungs £ 274.05 (POLMONI)
57815 Marmoset Ovaries £ 274.05 (OVAIE)
57827 Marmoset Pancreas £ 219.45 (PANCREAS)
57808 Marmoset Prostate £ 274.05 (PROSTATA)
57820 Marmoset Spinal Cords £ 342.30 (MIDOLLO SPINALE)
57818 Marmoset Spleen £ 219.45 (MILZA)
57821 Marmoset Stomach £ 219.45 (STOMACO)
57823 Marmoset Testicles £ 219.45 (TESTICOLI)
Mouse top TOPI
Code Animal Description Price
50030 Mouse Brain £ 4.73 (CERVELLO)
50029 Mouse Eyes £ 4.73 (OCCHI)
50013 Mouse Heart £ 4.73 (CUORE)
50015 Mouse Kidney £ 4.73 (RENI)
50022 Mouse Liver £ 4.73 (FEGATO)
50027 Mouse Lungs £ 4.73 (POLMONI)
50026 Mouse Pancreas £ 4.73 (PANCREAS)
50009 Mouse Skins £ 6.30 (PELLE)
50008 Mouse Spinal Cords £ 4.73 (spinal cord)
50011 £ 4.73 Mouse Spleen (SPLEEN)
50007 Mouse Stomach £ 8.93 (stomach)
50005 Mouse Submaxillary Glands £ 4.73 (salivary glands)
Mouse Tail £ 4.73 50014 (CODA)
Rabbit RABBITS top
Code Description Price
54017 Animal Rabbit Adrenal Glands £ 56.70 (adrenal glands)
54030 Rabbit Brain £ 29.40 (BRAIN)
54029 £ 29.40 Rabbit Eyes (EYE)
54016 Rabbit Heart £ 28.35 (HEART)
54012 Rabbit Kidney £ 26.78 (kidney)
54022 Rabbit Liver £ 28.35 (liver)
54001 Rabbit Lungs £ 28.35 (LUNG)
54031 Rabbit Skins £ 29.40 (LEATHER) £ 26.78
54010 Rabbit Spleen (SPLEEN)
54032 Rabbit Stomach £ 29.40 (stomach)
54011 Rabbit Submaxillary Glands £ 53.55 (salivary glands)
top RATS Rat
Animal Code Description Price 57023
Rat Brain £ 7.88 (BRAIN)
57019 Rat Heart £ 6.83 (HEART) £ 6.30
57026 Rat Kidney (kidney)
57020 Rat Liver £ 6.83 (liver)
57003 Rat Lungs £ 6.83 (LUNG)
57012 £ 6.30 Rat Spleen (SPLEEN ) 57008
Rat Stomach £ 13.13 (stomach)
57013 Rat Submaxillary Glands £ 6.30 (salivary glands)
57014 Rat Tail £ 5.78 (CODA)
57015 Rat £ 13.13 testicles (testes)
57016 Rat Uterus £ 6.30 (urethra)
THIS 'AS I HAVE RECEIVED. THIS IS 'THE END OF THOSE WHO CREATED JUST FOR BEING A PRODUCT. Feelings, ETHICS, FOR The animal died together in the laboratory. Play God to believe in immortality DOOR 'IS NOT ONLY THAT BUT THERE IS NOT NO RELEASE, vivisectors SAME. They can close down sites, threatened to sue anyone who dares to speak, those who dare to rebel. But in this era of crazy, there 'yet who is right and who is opposed to this monstrosity.
I DO NOT HAVE OTHER COMMENTS TO BE ADDED. THAT THERE IS NO NEED TO DENY so frantically OVERT EVIDENCE. We also know that Many researchers are conscientious objectors AND antivivisection. FOR THESE, THE LIFE AND 'VERY HARD AND CAREER UTOPIA.
Tiziana Paghini