For once honor the Italian distribution that has been very careful to leave room in smears two sensational as The Blind Side (recently published directly to a DVD) and Precious . An exclamation clearly challenging, due to the enormous, disproportionate consideration paid to these two films in America by both the public (The Blind Side has grossed more than $ 250 million!) And critics ( Precious figure in almost all the lists of best films of the year). It is not bad works (although Precious in some respects, it is), only largely overestimated. In addition to specular and only apparently conflicting.

The Blind Side (based on a true story) is conventional, a classic drama with a social background in pure Hollywood style with the usual ingredients lined up one behind the other (the right dose of irony , carefully balanced between pathos and dryness, alternating between drama and comedy el'ennesima celebration of the perfect American family and the importance of education to achieve success) but at least it is not pretentious. Sandra Bullock, with his sympathy and his undeniable charm daily work and is the only reason seguire il film fino in fondo. Nel ruolo della generosa Leigh Anne Tuhoy, madre e moglie perfetta incline per natura ad aiutare il prossimo (accoglie in casa il giovane senzatetto afro-americano Michael Oher destinato a diventare un campione di football) la Bullock ha il piglio giusto, quel mix di ironia, grinta e trattenuta compassione che fa centro. L’Oscar come miglior attrice, però, è francamente troppo.

Discorso diverso merita Precious, Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire . L’incredibile calvario della sedicenne afro-americana Precious ( Gabourey Sidibe ) in quel di Harlem nel 1987 è raccontato con un gusto per gli aspetti most miserable to say the least controversial and morbid, and is represented in a style so rich and overload effects (soft focus, slow motion, photo glossy paper, hand-held camera that would mimic the cinema truth, mounting clips), which contrasts so annoying and grating with the subject matter.
all starts when Precious, obese, illiterate and victims of domestic abuse (father rapes her, and her mother, an alcoholic and unemployed, the beating and torture psychologically) discovers she is pregnant for the second time the father (the first son, nicknamed "Mongo" is suffering from Down's syndrome). It is thus suspended from school and placed in a recovery program per ragazze disadattate nella speranza che, attraverso un’istruzione, possa finalmente dare una svolta alla sua vita. Difficile se il padre che ti ha stuprata e messo incinta due volte è malato di aids e ti ha passato il virus dell’hiv. E se hai una madre mostruosa che ti maltratta oltre ogni possibile immaginazione. L’unica via d’uscita per la povera Precious è la fantasia ed alcuni dei momenti più interessanti del film sono proprio quelli in cui entriamo nella sua immaginazione; e cosa può sognare una ragazzina sfortunata, derisa e vilipesa, se non la ricchezza, il successo, i riflettori del mondo dello spettacolo?
Con un tema del genere ci voleva un rigore ed a feeling that Lee Daniels has not (and was nominated for an Oscar ...). The director instead wallowing heavily to the bottom of misery, treading the hand as possible where common sense would demand to reduce and trying to wrest the truth from his actresses through insistent closeups that have a kind of pornography. And they try to save the cabin (and they succeed) just actresses: Gabourey Sidibe, perfectly expressing the opacity leathery and the immense suffering of Precious and especially Mo'Nique, in a sensational performance that earned her all the prizes in the world. When on stage she can not look anywhere else, so it is impressive and frightening.

Con un tema del genere ci voleva un rigore ed a feeling that Lee Daniels has not (and was nominated for an Oscar ...). The director instead wallowing heavily to the bottom of misery, treading the hand as possible where common sense would demand to reduce and trying to wrest the truth from his actresses through insistent closeups that have a kind of pornography. And they try to save the cabin (and they succeed) just actresses: Gabourey Sidibe, perfectly expressing the opacity leathery and the immense suffering of Precious and especially Mo'Nique, in a sensational performance that earned her all the prizes in the world. When on stage she can not look anywhere else, so it is impressive and frightening.
The Blind Side: 6
Precious: 5 / 6
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