different tracks: Ukraine - Germany, the market for corpses
Bild magazine reveals grim news about business
German company trades in body parts from Ukraine
Affairs with gruesome body parts: the pharmaceutical Tutogen, based in Neunkirchen am Brand in Upper Franconia, Ukraine dissects corpses in style.
From the many documents in his hand the magazine Der Spiegel, it is apparent that the pieces of dead bodies are taken "medical products".
shocking in many cases family members had no clear understanding of what actually happened to their deceased relatives.
The bodies were completely torn to pieces!
Apparently, the company has paid in January 2002 for a bone forearm € 42.90 to € 42.90 even complete a leg and a second in the pericardial sac size, from 13.30 to 16.40 €. Only in the year 2000/01 in Ukraine have been used for the German company 1152 corpses.
A relative, Lena Kratie in Kiev, told SPIEGEL that it was Read sorpresacon the request to provide the father's corpse for a donation of tissue. She was told that they would be taken only small strips of leather. But in truth, the whole were taken tendons, bones and cartilage. Lena Kratie, "If I had known that would remove all this, I would not have given consent."
The manager of the Forensic Medicine Section in Kiev, Wladimir Jurtschenko, confirmed to date are dissected cadavers whose bones are Tutogen the end.
products derived from body parts as replacement parts are implanted in patients primarily in the United States, but their use seems to be questioned. Wladimir Jurtschenko says: "In recent years the market for this sector grew by billionaires get turnovers. If a corpse were to be completely isolated and used all the pieces, processed and sold, could yield up to $ 250,000. "
Tutogen refuses to give an interview to Der Spiegel and does not respond even to questions submitted in writing.
Bild article summarizes only the first investigation carried out by Der Spiegel with the collaboration of experts in surgery and medical ethics e di giuristi. I giornalisti si sono recati in Ucraina alla sede della Bioimplant, appartenente al locale Ministero della Salute e fornitrice di Tutogen. Porte chiuse alla Bioimplant come alla Tutogen, ma ottimo lavoro sulle testimonianze raccolte dietro le quinte.
Indubbia la “coercizione” esercitata sui parenti dei defunti nel momento in cui sono frastornati dal dolore: a Lena Krat, che riferisce “ero come sotto ipnosi”, fu chiesto nel 2004 di autorizzare il prelievo di strisce di tessuto dermico dal cadavere del padre “per trapiantarle su bambini ustionati”. Si insistette, le si mise in mano il formulario di donazione. Firmò. In realtà il cadavere fu praticamente smembrato, come avvenne di altri che era comunque sufficient "holding together" until the funeral ... "in the coffin you see only the face." The
Tutogen processes, packages and sells fabrics (including within it all: eyes, organs, bones, muscle groups ...) in more than 40 countries around the world. A purchase of this type can also be done on the Internet. The catchment area for excellence is the American one, served by the parent Tutogen Medical Inc.: against the 30,000 annual surgical implants made in Germany is one million U.S. interventions, for a market of one billion dollars.
Yet the practice is disputed. According to Klaus-Peter Günther, Chairman of the Society of Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery, the use of this material is not the first choice in Germany, the standard would be the use of tissues taken from the patient, followed by restoration of ceramics, animal bones and bone material taken from other staff replacements.
Vendors in Ukraine is a fraction of the gain: few tens of euro, but for standard salaries represent an increase of 200 €
important ... No result can be discerned, for now, the judicial level: the ground is too slippery for regulatory indicted on trafficking in organs and tissues. It was not possible to proceed to Kiev on the basis of the law on transplants: in Ukrainian territory are only a handful of samples and ... flies, for now, if the scene moves in Germany: despite the supply of abundant documentation on the part of Spiegel, the prosecution of Bamberg have not yet found anything that violates German law.
The investigations are continuing. Hopefully? Hopefully.
http://suche.spiegel.de/suche/index.html?suchbereich = = vorspann & Suchbegriff tutogen
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