Cats light up the future of medicine
New targets of genetic engineering: the cats that glow in the dark. Why? To study human diseases ... Cats, made bright by genetic engineering, sono anche manipolati per riprodurre particolari patologie umane: inserendo poi in animali sani le cellule "campione" di questi soggetti si riuscirà a studiare l'evoluzione delle malattie in modo più preciso di quanto non sia mai stato possibile finora. Ma i felini non sono gli unici animali fluorescenti creati dall'uomo: insieme a loro, maiali, topi, pesci e persino una scimmia... (Andrea Porta, 19 dicembre 2007)
Di Tiziana Paghini
Come ben sanno i miei abituali lettori -pochi o tanti che siano-, è buona norma per il mio modo di lavorare e di essere, citare fonti ufficiali di notizie riportate nei miei blog e che possono non solo essere di interesse pubblico etico e morale , ma anche un dovere e un diritto di conoscenza di ogni cittadino per prendere visione di realtà il più delle volte non semplicemente sconcertanti, ma di assurda concezione. Eppure sono realtà, e come tali tutti noi abbiamo il dovere civile di raccontarle al fine di divulgarle e ottenere confronti con tutti coloro che si sono trovati a ricoprire il ruolo di vittima inascoltata - umana e non - e solo attraverso dei bloggers, queste vittime possono riavere una specie di voce e tornare a raccontare esperienze vissute e non lasciar cadere nel dimenticatoio storie che ancora oggi, magari a distanza di decenni, are present.
In recent months, due to 'force majeure' for those who want to play God but actually do not know where home is, we find ourselves obliged to report news thin on the edge of the office, despite having full knowledge of ' these officers.
Sure, there are big news ad nauseum, but are stored temporarily because, despite what a lot of bragging on the network, there is no coalition between the various groups / people / viewpoints. Applies the law of 'every man for himself. Conflicting or not. There is only one big competition to see who 'comes first'. Who should have the infamous red carpet of the applause, the rest, that is what counts, it becomes just one more, an annoying accessory. That's why no one is being taken seriously. That's why the real causes are mocked by the vast majority of people.
Yet if all these 'God on earth' know what they are ridiculous in this race / personal war, would withdraw their weapons and hid in shame. There can be no good so far, there is an envy, rivalry. Essence sterile, unproductive, harmful, misleading.
But if that happens, or if they become aware of what they are and what work to the detriment not only of themselves but of all that they advertise as a 'think' would not be what they are. Who am I? Free your imagination and make it suitable image you all'articolo che state leggendo.
Cosa sta accadendo realmente? Oh, le risposte ci sono, ma per quel che mi riguarda preferisco ovviarle per qualche tempo e lasciarle alla vostra interpretazione. Certo, una limitazione non nasce, come qualche 'vociona' ha detto, dalla paura di esporsi, ma dalla consapevolezza, dalla serietà, dalla responsabilità di affermazioni che debbono essere almeno in parte comprovabili per renderci messaggeri attendibili. Dal momento che queste voci grandi sanno il fatto loro, viene naturalmente da chiedersi per quale ragione sprechino il loro tempo -e il mio!- per lanciare accuse di codardia senza neppure avere il coraggio di firmarsi con il proprio nome o di mostrare il loro faccino in pubblico. Ah, sì, they are for good causes, and how some wretched creature said to his time on a popular social networking, I am the 'Madonna look-alike of Pavia' and then send it to me show off my picture to you all. Do I advertise ... Without that premise, the voice of the donkey does not rise to heaven, and that if they believed they offend me, actually made me a compliment comparing me though proletariat to an international star, returns to talk about serious things and we always would let barking-theme Pet-, these poor souls without peace. What Sguazzini well in the mud, which in the long run, suffocate, because nothing is forever, not even pride that we all know, went into the coach and returned on foot.
Now, we return the subject of this post and try to understand the title I have chosen, or 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'.
For the uninitiated, this is an extraordinary work of Ernest Hemingway, published in 1940.
The title of this extraordinary work is unconventional, but it a really precise, incisive.
E 'is a sermon of John Donne, English cleric and poet who lived between the end of 1500 and early 1600 in his role as dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London.
'For Whom the Bell Tolls' was a famous American intellectual in Spain fighting for democracy - a concept far removed in this era of arrogant fools who know everything except the ideology of a cause advocated only for herself and no useful materials-related. He, or Robert, is tasked to undermine and blow up a bridge vital to the Franco.
Between the lines of the enemy, this intellectual Robert Jordan, he met Mary, the girl whose life has been destroyed by war. The theme of this work are love and death, as Robert, undermining the bridge, she knows she can survive. Another main theme is the cause or die for a reason. The sacrifice for a belief, a desire not to succumb but to surrender to the enemy. What I wish for this literary masterpiece, however, is primarily an extract of his title, and the idea that no man is an island:
"...And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee".
("E allora, non chiedere per chi suoni la campana. Essa suona per te".)
Altra nota: in inglese il verbo 'to toll' sta ad indicare propriamente un lutto per una o più esseri viventi.
Non citeremo Hemingway e le sue ideologie politiche che vibrano in questa storia. Noi ci limiteremo al succo di questa, e ne trarremo un messaggio che ci potrà portare -per chi lo vorrà- ad una profonda riflessione sul perchè stiamo combattendo. Sul perchè non ci assoggetteremo mai al volere di chi si crede più forte e si convince di averci chiuso la bocca.
Dopotutto, anche la causa animale è una guerra, e chi decide di combatterla sa che is made up of soldiers who know they have to die or be first in line, who is sitting in a corner, not to look, as some like to believe to be beautiful and something that not even a smug know, but to study tactics that would allow troops to encircle and close the enemy. But like all wars are made of subtle conspirators who, pretending to be friends, comrades, allies, pretending to be false leaders, in fact, rowing from the 'good' of the river, which is not right but that of the shell. Here are the current most useful, and once believed to be safe, shoot at the home itself, indifferent to everything and everyone, including themselves.
is how one arrives at the thread of the tangled skein di questo articolo che nulla sembra avere in comune con la cusa animale ma che troppo ha di che spartire con questa.
Questa 'metaforica' - ma non troppo- campana, suona per noi, così come per gli altri esseri senzienti, viventi.
Da questo, noi tutti dovremmo trarne un messaggio importantissimo per l'ossequio delle nostre cause, in questo specifico, quella animale che poi è la nostra, non troppo differente da quella umana poiché lo stesso essere umano è un animale e come tale non può e non deve elevarsi al di sopra di qualsiasi altra creatura vivente.
Io credo di essere arrivata ad una delucidazione piuttosto chiara e comprovabile; ci sono soggetti che amano essere 'primi attori', che si arrogano pseudo-esclusive di news we should all be able to disclose freely in order to raise awareness of issues too often branded as of secondary importance. But do not allow us to do so. We can not steal them the scene, because if we did, some of us may discover hidden truths and uncomfortable. It could open the eyes of others and make us lose credibility who is content with a small garden of illusory power forgotten by God himself.
Then there are those who do not simply play God, but who believe themselves to God, and these are the most dangerous, because with their dispersion, with their ineptitude, with their fake gooders create a cathedral of lies and recruit followers incapable of thinking for on their own. Adepts dangerous in their inability, because from these we must fear the worst.
So, except for Foti authoritative, certain, I will only for the time being picked up for spreading alarming news from the Internet and beyond.
I have only one question to all who are present for the first time at this blog:
- You want to believe those who are fighting without banners but that brings real news, or you want to continue to believe in angels blacks who reported only news that make them comfortable?
- You want the truth or you want to hear what you do not upset your quiet life?
- Do you want to believe in a commitment to work with no ulterior motives, or do you prefer thousand promises never kept?
- You want to pretend that you, human beings, you are really the chosen race, or that in one way or the secrecy that now surrounds those who have no voice and no-fault creatures that relegates to perpetual torture, can not be your destiny future?
Whose side are you?
Oh, no deployment is what I'm asking! Detestatemi well, if that makes you feel better. One thing is key: that you are belonging only to yourself. What is your thinking only of your property and not a tool of those who will one day turn its back if you kneel before them.
This is important for all of you and your beliefs. The rest is
Tiziana Paghini
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