Monday, February 28, 2011
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Reporter to Zawya, a city in the hands of insurgents that oscillates between the thirst for freedom just recapture and fears for the siege forces Gaddafi ...
manifestations pro Gaddafi not to mislead reporters.
The city is certainly in the hands of insurgent forces.
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Process Mediaset began today directly involves the command centers of the Group, Piersilvio Mondadori, the father, and a mediator Confalonieri Italian-American who seems to have played the role of mediator between Mediaset and film market at prices way too high. The thesis of the judiciary, the charges are those that the group has formed with the surplus wrongly paid, the funds that have brought blacks into the famous secret holding, already discovered in other inquiry, used for all purposes to be clarified. Notes from
We resume the threads of a complicated investigation. " With these words, the president of the College of the First Criminal Chamber, Edoardo D'Avossa kicked off the work in the classroom. With the resumption of the Mediaset part tour de force of judicial Berlusconi, who was charged for cases Mediatrade, Mills and Ruby. At the heart of today's hearing the story about the alleged irregularities in the sale of television rights at Mediaset and film since 1994. irregularities, according to the indictment, were intended to circumvent the Italian tax authorities and create funds blacks: in the courts of the First Criminal Chamber meets Berlusconi tax fraud. Besides him, among 11 other defendants include the chairman of Mediaset, Fedele Confalonieri, the U.S. producer Frank Agrama defined "Silent partner" of the Prime Minister, Paolo Del Bue of Arner Bank and British lawyer David Mills.
the story in three minutes.
Today, the audience began with the creation of shares and foreign letters rogatory for three people living abroad, Monaco. Thereafter the hearing was postponed to ' Eleven April. Silvio Berlusconi absent.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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... nice article about the emigration of a online historical journal that a friend told me in writing ...
If anyone wants to see if it is publishable padronissimo, enough to agree with the magazine I think, just that it's longish but worth considering this section ...
even if we go back to the beginning of this story we walk straight into news and numbers that give the idea of \u200b\u200bjust how many unfounded opinions are formed about him. The idea, for example, that migration has been dominated almost exclusively of southern Italy (remember the movie gag Massimo Troisi as a hitchhiker that the question of who gives him a lift - "Ah, you are Neapolitan? Emigrant? " - must meet, without being believed, being just a tourist?) or, in line with it, the other idea that to determine the abandonment of the homeland must have been economic reasons, yes, but always pure misery and need of invincible. Things actually went very differently in most cases, as demonstrated by the fact that the first places to be affected by the mass migrations were in the peninsula, the countries and villages and Alpine foothills of the Alps, but even then the Po Valley in which, for many centuries, a practice which some of expatriation had established wide since you want small, but significant and prefigures.
The mass migration from the South, of which there were also significant signs already in the decades 1870 and 1880, followed later and also the vanguard of the rest of the northern Italian exodus late nineteenth century, particularly overseas, were in Europe much later than those of the Anglo-Saxons, the Germans, the Scandinavians and so on.
That said, it should not cause surprise that when the unification of the first national census of 1861 would have recorded a number of already impressive subjects of the Kingdom, that of Italians abroad. Over 200 thousand, to be precise, yet distributed unequally among different parts of the world that would soon become very popular destination for our emigrants in the North. Nearly 80 000 were on that date, our compatriots in France and about 30 000 between Switzerland and Germany, while in the "remote America," as they used to say then, there were 100 000, half of which only the United States. Interspersed among them, that there is in America English and Portuguese, were undoubtedly the stars of exile Risorgimento that had brought many more abroad and less far to begin with, of course, by Garibaldi (but the same could be said for Foscolo, Mazzini, or to many other patriots, liberals in France and England, usually future leaders or chiefs of ethnic communities arose among nineteenth and twentieth centuries).
The novelty of the seventies and eighties of the nineteenth century, years of crisis mainly agricultural, fu costituita, ad ogni modo, dal dilagare nelle campagne settentrionali di una visione ottimistica e speranzosa, ma del tutto inedita qui, delle opportunità offerte dall'emigrazione non più solo al di là delle Alpi, bensì pure oltreoceano. E in particolare, con una simmetria che sarebbe stata confermata trent'anni più tardi dalle partenze in massa dal Sud per gli Usa, in paesi come l'Argentina e il Brasile dove i governi locali stavano attuando politiche popolazioniste e "coloniali" di forte richiamo.
Una specie di mito americano ad uso dei contadini si venne formando soprattutto in area alpina e padana da dove mossero i primi contingenti messi insieme, su questa base, da reclutatori privati – often but not necessarily unscrupulous - now in the pay of those governments and now, or quite often in close relationship with the most enterprising shipping companies in Italy, at the time, focused especially in Genoa, our port for excellence and more within the reach of the Ligurian, of Piedmont, Lombardy and the Veneto, for obvious geographical reasons (not always adhered to, however, if until the early twentieth century 40% of our emigrants continued to sail from French ports, English and German).
Liguria and Genoa, since the twenties of the nineteenth century, had taken a head, as the shipowners and seafarers, to regions platense 1830 and the end of the decade included self settlements there as famous as that of the Boca del Riachuelo in Buenos Aires (where even today the fans of Boca Juniors, one of Maradona, Genoa that call themselves xeneises ...).
Emigration from the North of Argentina (after the Ligurian, especially in Piedmont, Lombardy and Friuli) and Brazil (since the early days especially Venetian) gained momentum with effect from 1873, when they were certain groups of Trentino (still subjects Austrian) to open the road (Espirito Santo) and will soon inaugurate a new era characterized by the joint American and the calls from the facilities in transport costs, caused in turn the advent of steam and falling freight rates. As early as 1876, however, when started for the first time in Italy Journal of redundancy detection is temporary, as it was or it was feared, "permanent," the migratory situation of the "beautiful country", according to the definition of nearly coeval 'Abbot Stoppani, was clearly defined: the northern route to southern South America and gradually directed mainly in the United States.
In the first case, and for several decades, in search of free land plausible, in the second - having run out, epic along the border, just the availability of land in the U.S. - in search of work or employment in the city on the Atlantic coast. The fact remains that even in Brazil and Argentina, particularly in cities such as Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre or Buenos Aires and Rosario, the streets of the "Northern Italian" and "Italians of the South" - to use a label does not proto League but the detectors in use at about Americans - they mixed and mingled soon hurrying away from Italy, the timing and meaning of national and patriotic then guilty of an acculturation (by us) forgotten.
Italians of the north, south and center, a face and a race.
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No one has read or seen the case for these two pages devoted to Munoz, among the guests of Bilbolbul on Unity February 24?
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E 'fully underway Mantova Comics and 2011 Games .. very interesting concert .... you can watch the video of the final part of the concert - Daltanious taxis! -And various images on the pages dedicated to Cosplay Facebook group Mantova Comics e Games!/group.php?gid=236567631730&v=wall
Le note sulla Conferenza GP News, piuttosto attesa...
Purtroppo nessuna novità per quel che riguarda il mondo di Gundam...almeno al momento, aspettiamo i video della conferenza e le eventuali domande e risposte ( ci sono dei video di questa conferenza in preparazione ma è necessario attendere il loro rilascio ufficiale.)
Le note sulle novita della Star Comics...( conferenza dedicata ai fumetti italiani)
Le novità Marvel Comics della Panini
Presente Marco M Lupoi che ha annunciato diverse iniziative editoriali ed anche, e soprattutto, "un nuovo assetto editoriale e di pubblicazione della Marvel Italia, con la campagna "catch-up", che partirà questa estate. Si tratta di un progetto ambizioso, ha spiegato il direttore, che accorcerà la distanza media di 9 mesi tra l'uscita americana e quella italiana degli albi Marvel a 7 mesi e che si preoccuperà inoltre del riallineamento delle testate sfasate. Lupoi ha fatto l'esempio del prossimo mega-evento Fear Itself, che uscirà a novembre 2011 nel nostro Paese e ad aprile negli States. Gli albi delle varie serie, per garantire il "catch-up", abbandoneranno in molti casi le storie di appendice, le comprimarie, e saranno arricchite da altri numeri delle serie principali (si parla di doppia o tripla dose)."
Insomma Marvel a Go Gò..
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Dopo Sacred Seven ecco il secondo Sunrise Project’s del 2011 di cui andiamo ad occuparci: Tiger & Bunny una serie che si prospetta davvero divertente e bella annunciata già da alcuni mesi dalla societa di cui finalmente abbiamo a disposizione, to coincide with the opening of official website , one of the first video
Bunny & Tiger - The Promo
Shutenbilt is inhabited by a wide variety of people and among these there are also the "Next", or superheroes, individuals endowed with special powers that arise to defend the city. Next all have a sponsor whose logo is reproduced well on their shoulders, thus preventing accidents and rescuing people who help to raise the reputation of their sponsors. By their actions can also earn the Next Hero Points ", an index of popularity in the television programs dedicated to them: the hero with the most points wins the title of" King of Heroes ". One of them is Wild Tiger, named after the Battle of Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, a fiery veteran with a great sense of justice that a haunting is found in another coupled with the beginner Barnaby Brooks Jr ...
leading the project, Masafumi Nishida write and supervise the script, Yoshihiro Ike (Blood: The Last Vampire, Dead Leaves, Karas) will compose the music, the character design of the mangaka Masakazu Katsura (Video Girl Ai, DNA ², I "s, Zetman), fans of Batman and other superheroes comics.
The anime will start from April 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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I return the note directly from the pages of the forum Animeclick but appeared on the pages of the official website of Telecom for a few days. you can read right here,
a statement that contains some important changes that a riguardarenno bit 'all the users of ADSL services (not just Telecom) Telecom
In summary states that a series of filters will be applied to those who download copyrighted material downloaded from the Internet, through various programs File Sharing o Peer to Peer (P2P) questo per "garantire l'integrità strutturale della rete".
Per garantire l'integrità della rete e il diritto per tutti i Clienti ad accedere ai servizi di connettività Internet anche nelle fasce orarie in cui il traffico dati è particolarmente elevato, Telecom Italia, nel rispetto del principio di parità di trattamento e quando necessario, si riserva la facoltà di introdurre meccanismi temporanei e non discriminatori di limitazione all'uso delle risorse di rete disponibili per tutte le offerte commerciali che prevedono traffico dati su tecnologia ADSL.
To this end, Telecom Italy, limited only to central phenomena that are experiencing traffic congestion, may intervene on the applications that will consume more network resources (peer to peer, file sharing etc..) Limiting the bandwidth devoted to the latter to a maximum value proportional to the total bandwidth available on a single station. Network Management
These mechanisms, which are applied in individual localities and only in peak hours, are intended to improve the overall quality of service and not undermining the use of applications file sharing, guarantee even at peak times sufficient disponibilità di banda per il funzionamento soddisfacente delle altre applicazioni "realtime" (es. navigazione internet, posta elettronica, Youtube, ecc.).
Nell'ottica di fornire massima trasparenza e tutela ai propri Clienti, in questa pagina saranno indicate le fasce orarie e le località che potrebbero essere interessate dagli interventi di rimodulazione della banda disponibile.
Qui termina il comunicato.
Cosa succederà dal 1 marzo 2011 dunque ??
Dal 1 Marzo dunque chi utilizza i vari programmi di File Sharing o Peer to Peer (eMule, BitTorren, ma anche Megaupload, Rapidshare ecc), per scaricare materiale coperto da diritti d'autore, at certain times of the day and only in certain Central Telecom (would pivot points located throughout the territory), will be affected by delays in downloading the above mentioned material. Telecom talks in terms of knowledge but you can be sure that it happens so much so that Telecom has also stated that the blocks will affect only plants in which problems relating to traffic congestion. "
To identify which plants will be affected:
Three immediate considerations:
P2P is not synonymous with illegality as it insists to make people believe. the illegal P2P is changing shape, moving with constant number detectable IPSOS last report on piracy online, more and more to streaming online more convenient than less easy to intercept, simply wanting to be explicit and the P2P finally covers just 25% of network traffic, numbers, trivially told that a modern network of an advanced country like Italy would be expected to bear.
What, beyond the phrases un'anodino notified the source of this decision will affect all ADSL as the ECUs directly affects Telecom?
The source is once again the failure of the mission of the Telecom Italian as manager of the web, now unable to support the demand for high speed lines in a steady increase in the confusion of roles between the position of Manager Network Telecom and Telecom Company, manager of services on the same network, like other companies, which inevitably ends up questoposizione take advantage of monopoly.
Unable to upgrade the network itself, which ends up strengthening trust in the will and actions of the provinces, meritorious action the provinces of Rome and Milan, and municipalities and many other crimes locoli, Telecom has turned Italy into a Patchwork with regard to ADSL lines, condemning entire regions, cities, neighborhoods, all & # 39; arretatezza nor can we think of a "kidney shot" is the same cultural concept behind the development of the Italian Web to change.
It was claimed in a recent conference held in Genoa on the state of broadband in Italy that the situation in our country has a "chiaroscuro" that by 2013, perhaps we can bring the "Banda Large "to the entire population but that every effort should be made and have reaffirmed a number of objectives:
" Ensuring band coverage to 100 percent of the population and then bring ultra-wideband to 50 percent households by 2020. Half of the Italian population will have to resort to various online services, while a third of companies will be started with e-commerce. "
Beyond the words and talk, c '& # 232; a big but, what we talk about broadband?
Italy is for the download to 71 th place, nell'upload 86th place behind countries not exactly cutting-edge # 0
It 's time to end the confusion between Telecom and Network Monitoring, and start a serious policy for network development. to bridge the Digital Divide. Domenico
Forum Animeclick
Computer Point - Banda Larga Regions report PI / News / wide-band-region-rapporto.aspx
Point Computer: aspx
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Sanremo 2011 The three songs that hit me ...
Fashion & Emma "Here's to you - The Ballad of Sacco and Vanzetti"
You live paths look, work songs, then comes someone ties the hands, you close your eyes, you close hands ..
Roberto Vecchioni - Call Still Love
Tricarico - Three colors -
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To follow the events of the Arab revolt, but in general to follow the events of Middle Eastern world an interesting blog seems to be to Paola Caridi : Invisiblearabs
Among other things, in Italian ....
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I heard a great service just this morning on the 7 (some would say where else .. like you said and it still says often on some programs Rai 3), introduced in this world ... In a few days the world has changed.
An entire political system locked for decades, for thirty years Osmi Mubaraq ruled Egypt from 26 Ben Ali and his clan ruled Tunisia, Libya and dominating as Colonel Gaddafi ? ? 40 and over .. The longest and most cruel in his not wanting to give up the power .... Irreducible
Testimony from Benghazi - what we want, the revolt, the cry: "Tripoli"
all changed three dictators, they were overwhelmed by a rebellion motivated by economic crisis, the increases in the price of bread, the inability to build a future for certain groups of intellectuals, the political struggles for the succession intestine. A cross-wind social demolished three dictatorships that seemed fixed, intended to succeed himself, maybe even with people like Gamal Mubaak unpalatable to them army generals, the power base of Egyptian politician. What happens next? Everything moves again, nothing is certain except that intriguers of evil are at work trying to take advantage of the difficulties and contraddizzioni of these days, two decades after the Iranian military ships crossed the Suez, pointing to Syria, a challenge to Istrael , whose conservative government will pay dearly for its absurd policy of closing open to negotiations and a challenge to all those who have at heart the fate of peace between Palestinians and Israelis.
In Libya, the battle rages fierce and violent and the government of Gaddafi, who has now lost the support of the tribe gives the most important, poison the wells before leaving the story.
From Frontier Libya Egypt - Posted Republic
And we, we mean the Italian state through the mouth of Minister Frattini .... You are here waiting .. We condemn the violence but we respect the sovereignty of other states. . That have managed to get the other European states, who wanted something else, meeting in Brussels yesterday.
expect the house to burn, but the house burned.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Congratulations My Daughter A Happy Engagement
Fashion and Emma sing at the Festival di Sanremo 2011 'Here's to you' by Joan Baez and Ennio Morricone in the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. 17.02.2011
Mi piace davvero molto questa canzone..
Ispirata a una storia vera della nostra emigrazione.
Gateway Has Intercepted
In questi giorni si apre a Pordenone una bella personale dedicata alle opere di Giulio de Vita - "EROI OLTRE I CONFINI" - Classe 1971 è uno dei nostri maggiori talenti esportati in terra di Francia. La mostra come, ci ricorda Af News , è ospitata negli ampi spazi messi a disposizione dal PARCO – Galleria d'arte moderna e contemporanea A. Pizzinato . Ben 1000 i metri quadrati a disposizione per questa personale che resterà aperta fino al 20 marzo 2011. Nella mostra verranno riuniti i protagonisti dei suoi album e le opere più celebri realizzate negli last ten years for the Francophone market.
Four exhibition rooms on two floors and a media room capable of seating 100 people, opened last November with an exhibition dedicated to Corrado Cagli. The exhibition follows a reverse chronological order to trace back the author's stylistic development from the last opera "Kriss De Valnor" through "Wisher", "James Healer," "The Decalogue", "Quintet" until dawn onset of the French "Les Ombres de la Laguna" and returns to the present with the experimental intermedia of "Lemurs visionary" that combines the comic in music, theater, literature and film-making, which projects him to new horizons creative. HEROES boundaries. Exhibition of works by Giulio De Vita. 19 February to 20 March 2011.
Giulio De Vita same in this video presents its "Heroes beyond borders" by analyzing the different works, adding some tasty hints about his work and showing some curiosity.
Organization: Comune di Pordenone. Curated by: Andrea Alberghini and Salvatore Oliva. Communication, design and manufacture equipment: DreossiCREA. With the support of: Group Serafin, Lito Image, Rive Col de Fer, Rosen. With the support of: Claber, Electrolux, Jesse, Sinco Group, Fiumettopoli. Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 15.00 – 19.00. Sabato, domenica e festivi: 10.00 – 20.00. Ufficio Stampa: Sara Moranduzzo, cell. 347 9079071."
Sito ufficiale
Su Af News potete trovare alcune informazioni più specifiche sull'evento.
L'augurio è che questa mostra di grande interesse sia portata anche in altre città italiane.
Friday, February 18, 2011
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Il musical scritto da Mariano Apicella per celebrare e ricordare le gloriose notti di Arcore
...Va bhè ridiamo ancora un pò....
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Discreto scalpore ha suscitato l'annuncio del presidente della Kadokawa Shoten durante la conferenza programmatic printing of 2011-2012 Okiura Hiroyuki Kadokawa Pictures, which will be the director of Jin-Roh, directing: Momo and no Tegami (The letter to Momo) because it marks a return to directing fairly well known name for the fandom but this should not obscure the other names involved in the operation.
For this new film, which will be produced by Production IG , is ready a stellar staff!
Hiroyuki Okiura, which will also carry out the storyboard and write the script, the staff will be joined by characters of great value as an animation director in Masashi Ando Princess Mononoke and character designer in Paprika, and Paranoia Agent, Toshiyuki Inoue key animator and character designer Akira in A Tree of Palme and Magnetic Rose, finally Takeshi Honda former director of the animation in Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance and character designer in Blue Submarine No. 6. , Hiroshi Ohno will be the art director (Kiki's Delivery Service), a true star super star then.
The story: how it was described to the press
"Dear Momo" - there were only two miserable words on the last letter left by the deceased girl's father. Momo and her mother had just moved to Tokyo in a small country town that overlooks the Inland Sea, a town that rests on a small island surrounded by picturesque cottages in unspoilt nature. Although our protagonist was starting a new life, he could not prevent an applicant thought: "Father, what did you really write that letter?" Here, one day an event occurs that moves the quiet routine of Momo, the main character is an old book in the attic of the house and then strange things begin to happen all around her.
The film is scheduled for 2012.
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iteressanti have been announced, some films these days: first, it was announced - but we can say revealed he had spoken, but then it was literally disappeared from the horizon of events - is: Tatsumi, manga adaptation of the autobiographical gekiga Hyôryû ("A drifting life") by Yoshihiro Tatsumi.
Yoshihiro Tatsumi's name may not mean much to generations of youngsters, this is one of the pioneers in the world of manga, one of the men and women who created the concept of realistic gekica manga, adult manga by the differentiating parody the only ones that existed until the generation of Takao Saito (Golgo 13), Yoshiharu Tsuge (Neji-shiki, The Man Without a talent), Sanpei Shirato (Legend of Kamui), Yoshihiro Tatsumi (A drifting life,) Hiroshi Hirata (Satsuma Gishiden, heroes anonymous), Goseki Kojima (Lone Wolf and Cub) appeared to create a new language and a new audience.
The Hong Kong director Eric Khoo, known until now for his work announced live in these days of star making his first animated film inspired by his main work of Yoshihiro Tatsumi, the manga background autobiographical: A drifting life.
Director animations Phil Mitchell (Re-boot, Sing To The Dawn).
The film that should be replaced by completed by the end of this year, will be produced by Zhao Wei Films and Infinite Frameworks two companies of the Singapore site The Match Factory ha confermato la partecipazione al film dell'attore nipponico Tetsuya Bessho.
Il film si ispira direttamente alla storia narrata nel manga, A drifting life, in cui il mangaka ha ripercorso la sua vita di giovane giapponese, in una povera famiglia nipponica del dopoguerra, durante l'occupazione. Il suo avvicinarsi al disegno come un mero sfogo delle sue pulsioni giovanili, come il disegno è diventato, lentamente, una vera e propria passione di vita, soprattutto dopo l'incontro con il suo idolo dell'adolescenza, Osamu Tetzuka, e un modo per sottrarre la sua famiglia alla povertà. Ma il manga ripercorre anche i motivi che hanno spinto Tatsumi e la generazione di disegnatori attorno a lui, a ripensare il modello di manga a cui lavoravano and led them to create a new model of the manga, Gekica, manga realistic, fully independent and different from the manga parody that prevailed in the 50 - 60. Some images
Uploaded with
I apologize for their quality on Twitch are better placed.
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A young male (56%, but women are well represented with 44%) aged between 15 and 34 years. Is licensed high school, lives in South and Central islands (57%), and the highest percentage living in small towns under 10,000 inhabitants .
E' questo l'identikit del pirata informatico italiano secondo la ricerca sulla pirateria online elaborata dall'istituto Ipsos che è stata presentata a fine gennaio dalla Fapav , (Federazione Anti-pirateria Audiovisiva) durante una importante conferenza a Roma, secondo la ricerca realizzata sarebbero state oltre 250 milioni le azioni illegali di scarico e di scambio di contenuti audiovisivi avvenute in Italia nell'ultimo anno, per un danno, si è stimato di 500 milioni di euro all'erario senza contare le perdite del mercato culturale. Secondo l'IPSOS il 37% del campione intervistato nell'indagine, avrebbe fruito di copie pirata di contenuti audiovisivi nel corso del 2009 con una crescita del 5% rispetto ad un'analoga ricerca svolta l'anno scorso e nello specifico con una crescita del 3% annuo della la pirateria digitale, dati considerati molto pesanti anche perchè sono stati, disinvoltamente, aggregati a quelli raccolti dalle ricerche europee in materia di pirateria online, raddoppiata in dieci anni, ricerche che trattegiano un fosco 2011 per le industrie creative europee prevedendo 19 miliardi di euro e 250 mila posti di lavoro le perdite dell'industria a causa della pirateria.
Possibilità di risolvere questo drammatico problema ?? Una possibile via di uscita, come è stato sottolineato would be given the same identikit of the Italian digital pirates, who usually lives in economically depressed areas, these elements suggest that the increase in legal offer involves a significant decrease in piracy: 70% is well aware of the star performing a crime simple reasons for their savings, convenience, ease of approach to content, as well as a sense of impunity, and only for this preference remains illegal downloading media buying regular products, what would happen if the offer was increased legal , compared with more severe enforcement action?
not accidentally FAPAV had invited a representative of the 'Association Antipirateria Francese che ha illustrato la strategia francese basata sulla legge Hadopi ed i "risultati" ottenuti dalla sua applicazione. In Francia si è avuta una diminuzione dell' 85% della pirateria online, risultato strabiliante, così come altrettanto strabiliante è stato l'enorme incremento di visite da oltralpe ai noti sistemi Megaupload registratosi nello stesso periodo, lo aggiungo per completezza di informazione.
La Conferenza romana della FAPAV ed i suoi dati quest'anno si inseriscono in un quadro molto diverso dal solito, poco prima di Natale, l'Autorità Garante per le Comunicazioni , (AGCOM ) , led by Corrado Calabrò has unanimously passed the new regulation for the protection of copyright, a package of interventions that are currently in a phase of public consultation , a phase that lasts 60 days after which AGCOM will pull the money of different interventions, and contributions will go to the final launch of the new legislation, which then go through Parliament.
The new legislation, the Copyright on the Web outlined in the document's analysis initially had no particular concerns raised, thanks to the festive atmosphere, had been appreciated in appreciating points in which it rejected, it was hoped permanently, the sirens of those easy to apply uncritically claimed in disciplines that rocked Italy's people, regardless of the actual damage done, and ignoring all right except that of commercial exploitation, claiming that he had scuppered the first draft of the document , were not missed from the outset who had stressed that the document be amenable to criticism and had many weaknesses.
The new legislation provides for the protection of copyright on an intellectual work that is infringed by a Web site in a location five stages.
How is imposed by the Decree Romans AGCOM directly intervene in the dispute procedure with a 5-step process.
For sites defined as those foreign sites that have the sole purpose of dissemination of illegal content or whose servers are located outside the national borders AGCOM relies mainly expert solutions assuming they can make available to providers a list of illegal sites and in cases of multiple violations serious inhibit , after contradictory, the domain name of the website, or the IP address . Solutions that highlight the embarrassment against a world like the Web is, by its nature tolerates few borders.
A process, as stressed in its editorial director of the Computer Idea, Andrea Maselli, an editorial titled, not coincidentally: "A Sigh of Relief" right to oppose a certain attitude of many Netizens, who apparently realized the expected square the circle between users' rights, protection of copyright and public interest, but in reality its application can be transformed into a weapon, a knife, sharp as a razor, to disappear from the Internet material that some private (see major) does not see good eye. Turning into a mere administrative procedure that is a matter of freedom of expression through a procedure almost automatic given the extremely tight timetable of the procedure. Masiello says:
. Without going into too much detail.
The copyright owners require the operator of a site to remove certain content that it considers have been published against him. If the operator fails to comply within 48 hours (2 days only) the owner may apply to AGCOM that now has 5 days to 5 to verify the violation (even contradictory) then ordered the manager to remove content deemed illegal.
Now if we consider that the operator could not be considered owner of the material complained of, except the one that hosts them on its servers (providers, hosters, Web 2.0, YouTube, blogging platforms, storage spaces, Cloud ...) given the very short time under the procedure could easily be in a position to immediately clean sweep of all to avoid trouble : the face of the owner of the device and any of its rights to the content. A real espresso mechanism built in key administrative court, based upon tests necessarily sketchy, able to minimize any possibility of defense, something that has no precedent in our legal system.
What you would never understand is why such a treatment of absolute benefit was reserved to the holders of economic rights of copyright, to the detriment of the absolute right to freedom of expression of other people.
Why in the world, to protect the economic rights on digital content will have to invent a kind of "special courts" than going in completely different and absolutely priority than those provided by our legal system?
is not an isolated position. It formed a real united front of groups and organizations of civil society and the web Adiconsum , Agora Digitale , Altroconsumo , Assonet - Confesercenti, Assoprovider - ConfCommercio , Studio legale Sarzana che ha lanciato un appello contrario all'approvazione della normativa che mette a rischio la liberta del Web attribuendo poteri troppo ampli all'AGCOM, permettendogli, invocando la tutela del Copyright, nelle sue varie forme di sequestrare interi siti internet , ( ovvero impedirvi l'accesso ) ai cittadini italiani, al di fuori di ogni possibile preventivo controllo dell'autorità giudiziaria, e questo anche quando tali siti si trovino su server posti all'estero. Una normativa, quindi, incostituzionale.
An appeal which is getting decent consensus on the net.
Also just recently the requests and concerns expressed during the public discussion in the course have found an echo in the political sphere, in very busy with other matters, the evidence of a 'interpellation , transverse, with signatures of parliamentarians from the right and left requiring the government to let parliament decide on the jurisdiction's analysis in the field of copyright. But how and when will this decision? And through such advice?
notes taken - or re megllio prepared - for Animeclick.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Italian Erotic Movies Blog
finally has a release date and a trailer!) the film La Nuit des Enfants Rois (The Prodigies) based on a novel Bernard Lenteric of 1981 with the same title co production Warner Bros - Onyx Films / Precision
The film is directed by Antoine Charreyron and sees the artistic direction of the signing Humberto Ramos, the famous American artist of Mexican descent.
The release is scheduled for May 25, 2011 . Other notes on
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Comix Factory: FROM WEST END TO EAST: INTERVIEW WITH GIA ... : "John Shepherd, the protagonist of Devil Shanghai, as has been portrayed by Massimo Rotundo on the cover of the first number of times I hid ... "A few months
Magic Wind has ended his adventure on the newsstands, but Gianfranco Manfredi is already working on a new miniseries entitled Shanghai Devil. The protagonist of this new monthly publication, which should see the light in the fall, will be Hugh Shepherd, whose actions we were already keen on the pages of faces hidden. Meanwhile, the Gargoyle Books has published a new novel by Milan, entitled Techniques of resurrection. To speak of his characters, the rule of progress of the Shanghai Devil and his future plans, we contacted Gianfranco Manfredi for a brief chat. What we report below is the complete guide.
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Matteo Stefanelli and Sergio Tulip spcial the detail in this short but intense life of the young editor of Il Corriere real ribs Corrierino
Corriere dei Ragazzi Corriere dei Ragazzi intended for an audience higher than to that of Corrierino works were published as the aristocrats of Castles Altai and Jonson, and there should have been published also Sandokan Pratt.
Friday, February 11, 2011
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Rai.TV Video - Taking Direct - Justice
retrieved from an episode of the 2010 season of Power Live hosted by Riccardo Iacona aired on 28/02/2010 . Theme Justice.
Socket Direct Justice
New Appointment with the investigation of Richard Iacona is taken directly tonight at 21.30 on Raitre. After a tour of the disaster situation of unauthorized construction and the education system, another trip through the most difficult, the quest for truth in the institutional clash going on for months now the Italian political debate. Hot topic of the episode justice, between the need for renewal and the need for protection, including data daunting and utopias of change.
part in the investigation following the adoption of a law in the Senate, together with the objective of the process short, seeks to meet the shortage of donor organs that hinder the effectiveness and speed of responses to citizens. The South will once again be the subject of detailed discussion to make clear to the citizens of the difficulty with which the state is facing crime.
First stage: Marano, near Naples, socially complex area because of the deep problems of the Camorra. A fight against lawlessness Building of Justice hosted a temporary basis, and can not be known until, in the former building of the municipal offices, with all that entails such a situation of structural insecurity. The data come from this reality speak for themselves: twelve thousand civil action pending more than three thousand criminal managed to put a staff of three judges and a registrar. But even in North
more efficient structural deficiencies are a major problem. Journalists sent to the Palace of Justice in Milan found that the organs are in default of 35 judges and 150 employees of the registry and administration practices. Low availability of computer equipment to complete the picture a little comforting. But there is still a great collective effort that led to the strong performance of medium resolution of the cases in two and half years for civil cases, and about a year for criminal ones.
journalism Iacona has so far had the merit to convince the public despite having been confronted with strong counter-programming, made of lighter and simpler programs. We look forward to this new episode to see if justice is really done.