Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Much Sleep Eze Should I Take

AGCOM and Copyright: a discipline dangerous

A young male (56%, but women are well represented with 44%) aged between 15 and 34 years. Is licensed high school, lives in South and Central islands (57%), and the highest percentage living in small towns under 10,000 inhabitants .

E' questo l'identikit del pirata informatico italiano secondo la ricerca sulla pirateria online elaborata dall'istituto Ipsos che è stata presentata a fine gennaio dalla Fapav , (Federazione Anti-pirateria Audiovisiva) durante una importante conferenza a Roma, secondo la ricerca realizzata sarebbero state oltre 250 milioni le azioni illegali di scarico e di scambio di contenuti audiovisivi avvenute in Italia nell'ultimo anno, per un danno, si è stimato di 500 milioni di euro all'erario senza contare le perdite del mercato culturale. Secondo l'IPSOS il 37% del campione intervistato nell'indagine, avrebbe fruito di copie pirata di contenuti audiovisivi nel corso del 2009 con una crescita del 5% rispetto ad un'analoga ricerca svolta l'anno scorso e nello specifico con una crescita del 3% annuo della la pirateria digitale, dati considerati molto pesanti anche perchè sono stati, disinvoltamente, aggregati a quelli raccolti dalle ricerche europee in materia di pirateria online, raddoppiata in dieci anni, ricerche che trattegiano un fosco 2011 per le industrie creative europee prevedendo 19 miliardi di euro e 250 mila posti di lavoro le perdite dell'industria a causa della pirateria.

Possibilità di risolvere questo drammatico problema ?? Una possibile via di uscita, come è stato sottolineato would be given the same identikit of the Italian digital pirates, who usually lives in economically depressed areas, these elements suggest that the increase in legal offer involves a significant decrease in piracy: 70% is well aware of the star performing a crime simple reasons for their savings, convenience, ease of approach to content, as well as a sense of impunity, and only for this preference remains illegal downloading media buying regular products, what would happen if the offer was increased legal , compared with more severe enforcement action?

not accidentally FAPAV had invited a representative of the 'Association Antipirateria Francese che ha illustrato la strategia francese basata sulla legge Hadopi ed i "risultati" ottenuti dalla sua applicazione. In Francia si è avuta una diminuzione dell' 85% della pirateria online, risultato strabiliante, così come altrettanto strabiliante è stato l'enorme incremento di visite da oltralpe ai noti sistemi Megaupload registratosi nello stesso periodo, lo aggiungo per completezza di informazione.

La Conferenza romana della FAPAV ed i suoi dati quest'anno si inseriscono in un quadro molto diverso dal solito, poco prima di Natale, l'Autorità Garante per le Comunicazioni , (AGCOM ) , led by Corrado Calabrò has unanimously passed the new regulation for the protection of copyright, a package of interventions that are currently in a phase of public consultation , a phase that lasts 60 days after which AGCOM will pull the money of different interventions, and contributions will go to the final launch of the new legislation, which then go through Parliament.

The new legislation, the Copyright on the Web outlined in the document's analysis initially had no particular concerns raised, thanks to the festive atmosphere, had been appreciated in appreciating points in which it rejected, it was hoped permanently, the sirens of those easy to apply uncritically claimed in disciplines that rocked Italy's people, regardless of the actual damage done, and ignoring all right except that of commercial exploitation, claiming that he had scuppered the first draft of the document , were not missed from the outset who had stressed that the document be amenable to criticism and had many weaknesses.

The new legislation provides for the protection of copyright on an intellectual work that is infringed by a Web site in a location five stages.

How is imposed by the Decree Romans AGCOM directly intervene in the dispute procedure with a 5-step process.

The five points of the Discipline

A) The holder of a copyright may request the first web site or service to remove that content of the site that could encourage piracy.

Subject of Inquiry will be: is the work real on which you hold the right (music, movies, shows, games or otherwise) that is available for download or streaming, or a simple indexing pirated files or link to this su altri siti , infatti AGCOM nelle sue note afferma che le nuove disposizioni riguarderanno anche: "l'indicizzazione di file audiovisivi, sonori e di testo protetti da copyright intesa ad agevolarne la diffusione gratuita tra gli utenti di internet senza il consenso dei titolari di diritti" .

B) Una volta che siano passate 48 ore dalla richiesta senza che vi siano stati riscontri, il detentore di diritti potrà rivolgersi all'AGCOM.

C) L'Autorità Garante aprirà un breve contraddittorio ( massimo 5 giorni) con il sito o servizio che viene accusato della violazione.

D) Accertato l'illecito sarà l'AGCOM stessa a sua volta to request removal.

E) In case of breaches of AGCOM will apply a series of sanctions on the site, in particular those provided for in paragraph 31 of Act 249 of 1997 (dimming)

For sites defined as those foreign sites that have the sole purpose of dissemination of illegal content or whose servers are located outside the national borders AGCOM relies mainly expert solutions assuming they can make available to providers a list of illegal sites and in cases of multiple violations serious inhibit , after contradictory, the domain name of the website, or the IP address . Solutions that highlight the embarrassment against a world like the Web is, by its nature tolerates few borders.

A process, as stressed in its editorial director of the Computer Idea, Andrea Maselli, an editorial titled, not coincidentally: "A Sigh of Relief" right to oppose a certain attitude of many Netizens, who apparently realized the expected square the circle between users' rights, protection of copyright and public interest, but in reality its application can be transformed into a weapon, a knife, sharp as a razor, to disappear from the Internet material that some private (see major) does not see good eye. Turning into a mere administrative procedure that is a matter of freedom of expression through a procedure almost automatic given the extremely tight timetable of the procedure. Masiello says:

. Without going into too much detail.
The copyright owners require the operator of a site to remove certain content that it considers have been published against him. If the operator fails to comply within 48 hours (2 days only) the owner may apply to AGCOM that now has 5 days to 5 to verify the violation (even contradictory) then ordered the manager to remove content deemed illegal.

Now if we consider that the operator could not be considered owner of the material complained of, except the one that hosts them on its servers (providers, hosters, Web 2.0, YouTube, blogging platforms, storage spaces, Cloud ...) given the very short time under the procedure could easily be in a position to immediately clean sweep of all to avoid trouble : the face of the owner of the device and any of its rights to the content. A real espresso mechanism built in key administrative court, based upon tests necessarily sketchy, able to minimize any possibility of defense, something that has no precedent in our legal system.

What you would never understand is why such a treatment of absolute benefit was reserved to the holders of economic rights of copyright, to the detriment of the absolute right to freedom of expression of other people.

Why in the world, to protect the economic rights on digital content will have to invent a kind of "special courts" than going in completely different and absolutely priority than those provided by our legal system?

is not an isolated position. It formed a real united front of groups and organizations of civil society and the web Adiconsum , Agora Digitale , Altroconsumo , Assonet - Confesercenti, Assoprovider - ConfCommercio , Studio legale Sarzana che ha lanciato un appello contrario all'approvazione della normativa che mette a rischio la liberta del Web attribuendo poteri troppo ampli all'AGCOM, permettendogli, invocando la tutela del Copyright, nelle sue varie forme di sequestrare interi siti internet , ( ovvero impedirvi l'accesso ) ai cittadini italiani, al di fuori di ogni possibile preventivo controllo dell'autorità giudiziaria, e questo anche quando tali siti si trovino su server posti all'estero. Una normativa, quindi, incostituzionale.

Appeal Site Not Accessible

An appeal which is getting decent consensus on the net.

Also just recently the requests and concerns expressed during the public discussion in the course have found an echo in the political sphere, in very busy with other matters, the evidence of a 'interpellation , transverse, with signatures of parliamentarians from the right and left requiring the government to let parliament decide on the jurisdiction's analysis in the field of copyright. But how and when will this decision? And through such advice?

notes taken - or re megllio prepared - for Animeclick.


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