Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cartier Watches 61323

[OT] P2P: Telecom Dowload limits ... but

I return the note directly from the pages of the forum Animeclick but appeared on the pages of the official website of Telecom for a few days. you can read right here, C3% A0-management-services-adsl

a statement that contains some important changes that a riguardarenno bit 'all the users of ADSL services (not just Telecom) Telecom

In summary states that a series of filters will be applied to those who download copyrighted material downloaded from the Internet, through various programs File Sharing o Peer to Peer (P2P) questo per "garantire l'integrità strutturale della rete".

Per garantire l'integrità della rete e il diritto per tutti i Clienti ad accedere ai servizi di connettività Internet anche nelle fasce orarie in cui il traffico dati è particolarmente elevato, Telecom Italia, nel rispetto del principio di parità di trattamento e quando necessario, si riserva la facoltà di introdurre meccanismi temporanei e non discriminatori di limitazione all'uso delle risorse di rete disponibili per tutte le offerte commerciali che prevedono traffico dati su tecnologia ADSL.

To this end, Telecom Italy, limited only to central phenomena that are experiencing traffic congestion, may intervene on the applications that will consume more network resources (peer to peer, file sharing etc..) Limiting the bandwidth devoted to the latter to a maximum value proportional to the total bandwidth available on a single station. Network Management

These mechanisms, which are applied in individual localities and only in peak hours, are intended to improve the overall quality of service and not undermining the use of applications file sharing, guarantee even at peak times sufficient disponibilità di banda per il funzionamento soddisfacente delle altre applicazioni "realtime" (es. navigazione internet, posta elettronica, Youtube, ecc.).

Nell'ottica di fornire massima trasparenza e tutela ai propri Clienti, in questa pagina saranno indicate le fasce orarie e le località che potrebbero essere interessate dagli interventi di rimodulazione della banda disponibile.

Qui termina il comunicato.

Cosa succederà dal 1 marzo 2011 dunque ??

Dal 1 Marzo dunque chi utilizza i vari programmi di File Sharing o Peer to Peer (eMule, BitTorren, ma anche Megaupload, Rapidshare ecc), per scaricare materiale coperto da diritti d'autore, at certain times of the day and only in certain Central Telecom (would pivot points located throughout the territory), will be affected by delays in downloading the above mentioned material. Telecom talks in terms of knowledge but you can be sure that it happens so much so that Telecom has also stated that the blocks will affect only plants in which problems relating to traffic congestion. "

To identify which plants will be affected:

Three immediate considerations:

P2P is not synonymous with illegality as it insists to make people believe. the illegal P2P is changing shape, moving with constant number detectable IPSOS last report on piracy online, more and more to streaming online more convenient than less easy to intercept, simply wanting to be explicit and the P2P finally covers just 25% of network traffic, numbers, trivially told that a modern network of an advanced country like Italy would be expected to bear.

What, beyond the phrases un'anodino notified the source of this decision will affect all ADSL as the ECUs directly affects Telecom?

The source is once again the failure of the mission of the Telecom Italian as manager of the web, now unable to support the demand for high speed lines in a steady increase in the confusion of roles between the position of Manager Network Telecom and Telecom Company, manager of services on the same network, like other companies, which inevitably ends up questoposizione take advantage of monopoly.

Unable to upgrade the network itself, which ends up strengthening trust in the will and actions of the provinces, meritorious action the provinces of Rome and Milan, and municipalities and many other crimes locoli, Telecom has turned Italy into a Patchwork with regard to ADSL lines, condemning entire regions, cities, neighborhoods, all & # 39; arretatezza nor can we think of a "kidney shot" is the same cultural concept behind the development of the Italian Web to change.

It was claimed in a recent conference held in Genoa on the state of broadband in Italy that the situation in our country has a "chiaroscuro" that by 2013, perhaps we can bring the "Banda Large "to the entire population but that every effort should be made and have reaffirmed a number of objectives:

" Ensuring band coverage to 100 percent of the population and then bring ultra-wideband to 50 percent households by 2020. Half of the Italian population will have to resort to various online services, while a third of companies will be started with e-commerce. "

Beyond the words and talk, c '& # 232; a big but, what we talk about broadband?

Italy is for the download to 71 th place, nell'upload 86th place behind countries not exactly cutting-edge # 0

It 's time to end the confusion between Telecom and Network Monitoring, and start a serious policy for network development. to bridge the Digital Divide. Domenico


Forum Animeclick

Computer Point - Banda Larga Regions report PI / News / wide-band-region-rapporto.aspx

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