Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Record fine of one million euro in a bar Salerno. Pisani: "Sanction fair and exemplary. But it is the fault of unemployment"

Fine million-euro to a famous bar street of Rome, Salerno. The reason? The commercial operation was not received the necessary permissions in the course of an audit carried out by men of the Guardia di Finanza and inspectors of SIAE in the evening of the carnival while he was being a party in a mask. Specifically, five employees worked in the bar-four Italian and one English- all strictly "a black" What's more the business was also devoid of certification on public safety and the failure pagamento della Siae relativo diritti d’autore.   Infatti gli uomini della Guardia di Finanza hanno rinvenuto all’interno del locale un pc contenente oltre 150mila file di musica “pirata”, scaricati in modo illegale.
 “La cifra della multa è davvero elevatissima - -fferma l’avvocato Angelo Pisani, Presidente dell’associazione   -. Tuttavia un plauso va ai finanzieri per l’operazione ed anche per la ‘condanna’. Finalmente una punizione esemplare per tutti coloro che non rispettano le norme sul lavoro e   for 'pirates' computer thieves who are in all respects. Undeclared work is a social evil, especially in the South Italy, which harms citizens in terms of security because they are not protected in any way. Each work must be paid a decent and regular citizens have every right to work without exploitation and gather the results of of their commitment. In our opinion, the first causes of undeclared work is rampant unemployment and the economic crisis that left whole families into the street "

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Work: Plan the Campania Region, in 2695 made 10 days

are 2,695 workers employed in ten days and involved 1,114 companies: these are the first results of the extraordinary plan for the work of the Campania Region, presented today by Nappi and Severino dall'Arlas developed, the regional agency for business and education, recognized in the period 21 February-4 marzo.Il notice that the most successful in terms of results and 'More''' development more 'work'' , the taking of private long-term unemployed, who replied that involved 685 companies and 1,527 workers. And it 'for this measure that already' in the first ten days were committed resources of 7 million and 620 thousand euro.

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abuse transsexual, two officers arrested

"We are facing bleak nth abuse of power. Just the ones who should ensure the safety and compliance with the rules become torturers. Too often prisoners are treated in an inhumane way, canceled their dignity. The prison has the duty, as well as to punish, to recover those deviants, which enduring violence and abuse can become a serious danger to themselves or others. There are too many cases in Italy of crimes by officials. Now the line between good and evil has been completely forgotten. Many, remember, are also the cases of suspicious deaths in the prisons and continuing violence and free. We demand clarity, justice and prison specimens especially against those who rises to a champion of justice but then proves to be the worst criminal. ". Said the lawyer Angelo Pisani, President of regards to the story that involves two guards Salvatore Petrarca, 36, and Turkish Cyrus, 45, arrested on charges of abusing a held tranny while at the psychiatric hospital of Aversa. The orders for custody under house arrest for the crimes of sexual violence and extortion through misuse of power, were issued by the investigating magistrate of Santa Maria Capua Vetere on request of the prosecution and were performed this morning by the section of the regional criminal police of the board of the prison. They interned at the tranny to get oral sex that allegedly took place, according to the indictment, without using force but taking advantage of the state of subjection of the victim and to the position of authority covered by the agents. One of the episodes would occur during a sudden raid from the trans in his cell.
In a statement signed by the attorney of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Corrado Lembo, and adding Raffaella Capasso, states that "the conduct envisaged as particularly serious because it orders in a reality of prison - as verified during further investigation of sull'Opg Aversa - much more dramatic than prison. "

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Napolitano: "The crisis is overcome by investing in schools and research

New warning of Giorgio Napolitano, on behalf of young people and the need to invest in their future after the training: 'It is essential to promote the rise educational standards and enhance le migliori energie intellettuali e creative: soltanto investendo su tali priorità sarà possibile superare le attuali difficoltà di ordine economico e sociale ed affrontare efficacemente le grandi sfide del nostro tempo", sottolinea il presidente della Repubblica in un messaggio di saluto inviato in occasione della conferenza internazionale "Capitale umano e occupazione nell'area europea e mediterranea", in corso a Bologna  . "Occorre - ha ribadito - come ho più volte sottolineato, prestare ascolto alle pressanti richieste provenienti dal mondo giovanile e fornire risposte concrete a generazioni di studenti che troppo spesso vedono ostacolato il percorso di crescita personale e professionale e undermined the trust and hope that motivated their efforts in study and research. "" The clear emphasis upon the issue deserves more extensive study, including in relation to the particular Italian context - underscores the head of state - in ' hope that the consolidation of cooperation between scientific institutes and university level research in the Mediterranean area could help to strengthen the pace diarricchimento professional and cultural integration. "

" The program of speeches and reports - said Napolitano in his message - an important opportunity to discuss how the academic and professional in the various countries surveyed and real opportunities for entering the labor market offers to young people. "


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Naples Municipal / The seven candidates for mayor against a challenge all by all

Another piece in the puzzle of applications for the City of Naples: the Prefect Mario Morcone melts reserves and ahead to the Democratic Party .
choice out of love for the city, as explained by communicating your commitment, but not a sign of unity policy . The main ally of the Democratic Party, Italy of Values, it does not seem willing to take a step back and its candidate for mayor, the former pm Luigi De Magistris, today reiterated to be already in the campaign: "It was clear - he said - that the Democratic Party would do anything not to lean on. I'm going forward. " But the investiture of
Morcone causes some stomach ache, even among minorities, such as the Greens, which ruled for the end of the center of the table. At Home
PDL, however, is expected in the evening the Bureau decision on the candidacy of former number one industrial Neapolitan Gianni Lettieri: a choice that continues to divide locally between consensus and critical (heavy ones against him Today the former president of Confindustria, Antonio D'Amato, "Naples is not worth even that).
So is Mario Morcone the candidate of the Democratic Party. Casertano of 59 years, the Agency responsible for the goods confiscated from the mafia has a long career within the State often with roles in key ministries like interior.
His first thought, perhaps not coincidentally, is precisely the allies and civil society: "I ask that other important expressions and resources of the center-support my candidacy and I will work for this. Available to put my passion, my skills and my long experience in public administration. The complexity of the situation Neapolitan requires the largest contribution of civil society associations, businesses, third sector and the cultural world so rich in the city, and indeed all of them must become the protagonists of the revival of a role and an image for too long torn apart. " A
assist the IDV does not collect. De Magistris greets the challenger: "I have prevailed over the reasons of preservation and continuity with Bassolino, in the application of Morcone there is no discontinuity and novelty." With De Magistris, who also collects the support of CRP, also protested Antonio Di Pietro attacking the Democrats: "Sorry - said - that the Democratic Party fails to free itself from the various traps and snares that stand in the way local notables to this job , since it is clear to everyone that De Magistris is the winning choice. We will strive to the final day so that by the PD, there is a change of heart. "
On the front of the center is expected in the evening of the investiture Gianni Lettieri. Against him, after a few days ago were playing match the entrepreneurs, the former No. 1 row of Confindustria Antonio D'Amato. "Lettieri mayor? Naples also does not deserve this, "the scathing assessment that suppresses the nomination.
But in the field and in the race for the post of mayor there are also Raimondo Pasquino for the third pole of Csasini, Raffaele Di Monda (who leads the Civic Party NIP - National Innovation Programme), and Robert Fico of the Movement Five stars that refers to Beppe Grillo. Not to mention
Clemente Mastella, che corre da solo
In somma, un bel rebus non solo per gli elettori napoletani, ma per l'intero quadro politico che va smembratissimo alla sfida delle urne, e che nel dopo voto, avrà enormi difficoltà a trovare le soluzioni di maggioranza all'interno del Consiglio comunale.


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Choc oil prices: Confindustria and alarm ECB

 In Italia ''si osservano segnali piu' decisi di accelerazione'' della ripresa economica, ''anche se rimane ampio il divario growth with other nations.'' But, indicates Confindustria, in this scenario have included new''risk factors''. As''the shock represented by higher commodity prices, particularly oil''that''is likely to slow significantly the recovery in developed countries.''
A price to $ 115 a barrel''may 'result in a lower level of the Italian GDP of about 0.7% in two years to equal' to other conditions.'' He explained the general manager of Avenue of Astronomy, Giampaolo Galli, in a hearing in the House.
The rise in commodity prices may have recessionary effects, Confindustria warns, "may be exacerbated by increases in interest rates announced by the monetary authorities and the consequent exchange rate appreciation of the euro. "While the plan submitted by the Government to Europe, in the context of the objectives of the course of 2020 and out of the crisis," in its provisional version "is" neither ambitious, particularly in the light of the delay experienced by Italy in the last decade. "serving in Italy in a European context," a serious and shared reflection on the bottlenecks that hinder the growth of our country and the policies that can and should be put in place to return to be competitive in Europe and worldwide, "said the director general of Confindustria, in a hearing of the House Budget Committee on the National Reform Plan, announced last November by the Government to the European Union, will be presented in April with the final text. The scenario described in the parliamentary crisis by Giampaolo Galli indicates that a global recovery in early 2011 "has given new and more convincing signs of strengthening and spreading, with the involvement of major advanced economies, starting with the United States and Germany." In this context "in Italy are seen more pronounced acceleration signals, especially the manufacturing industry, with a significant reduction of redundancy, even if growth remains a wide gap with other nations, the gap before the crisis and that is confirmed since mid-2009 the global recovery has begun. " E' uno scenario oggi "favorevole" nel quale "si sono inseriti nuovi fattori di rischio che si sono aggiunti a quelli più volte indicati" da Confindustria: tra i quali, ricorda Galli, l'alta disoccupazione soprattutto giovanile, le difficoltà di accesso al credito, la crisi dei debiti sovrani e l'aumento dei debiti pubblici, difficoltà nel settore immobiliare, gli squilibri commerciali a livello globale. Oggi si aggiunge "lo shock" dell'aumento delle materie prime. Ed in particolare del petrolio che, "dovuto in parte a ragioni geopolitiche", rischia di frenare la ripresa.
BCE: ALLARME GREGGIO, RISCHI RIALZO INFLAZIONE - I rischi per l'inflazione nell'area euro sono ''al rialzo'' and oil prices are seen over $ 100. We read in the monthly bulletin of the European Central Bank.
The new estimates made by economic experts from the ECB suggest an average oil price of quality 'Brent' of $ 101.3 per barrel in 2011 and $ 102.4 in 2012.
ECB: NEW ESTIMATES EU-17, 2011 GDP +1.7%, +2.3% PRICES - The European Central Bank economists to revise upwards its estimates of inflation in the euro area. This is confirmed by the monthly bulletin Eurotower. The new 'staff projections' show an average inflation rate of 2.3% for 2011 (decided upward from 1, 8% of projections in December) and 1, 7% for 2012. The new estimates also indicate an average growth in the euro area 1, 7% this year (from 1.4% in December) and 1, 8% in the next.
ECB: Rate is very accommodating, "strong vigilance - The European Central Bank's monetary policy is" very accommodating "and be" strong vigilance ". This was written by the ECB in its monthly bulletin, in which for the first time in years the rates are no longer defined as "adequate."
ECB: ITALY, deficit / GDP AT 4.6% IN 2010 - The deficit-GDP ratio recorded by Italy for 2010 is below the targets set, with a ratio of deficit to GDP in 2010 to 4.6%, lower and better then the 5% ceiling set by the government. The notes la Banca centrale europea nel bollettino mensile, dove si citano le stime dell'Istat. La Bce, nel documento, rileva che "a un anno dall'inizio della crisi del debito sovrano in Grecia che si è diffusa verso un certo numero di Paesi, la situazione delle finanze pubbliche nell'area euro si è generalmente stabilizzata", anche se "resta precaria". Di fronte alle "tensioni sui mercati dei bond governativi sempre presenti", è "essenziale" che tutti i Paesi dell'euro realizzino integralmente i piani di consolidamento fiscali per il 2011.
BCE: NON DA ESCLUDERE FUTURA CRISI DEBITO SOVRANO - Le riforme della governance economica europea possono fare molto per minimizzare i rischi di una nuova crisi fiscale nell'area €, but "the possibility of a future sovereign debt crisis can not be excluded completely." This was written by the European Central Bank in its monthly bulletin, which contains a long article on the reforms that the European Council will be discussing. In the article, the ECB concludes that "need a permanent mechanism for crisis management, to address a liquidity crisis or insolvency at the sovereign."


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Baby-gang in action, destroyed the historic statue and attacked passers-by. Pisani: "We need a greater presence of the school and law enforcement. Making after-school and laboratory. Institutions and Government action to curb juvenile delinquency!" The workers

Carnival is now finished but left large consequences. Spree without limits. E 'was in fact found the devastated Paolo Emilio Imbriani historic statue in Martyrs Square in Naples, in these days the subject of restoration. Those assigned to the restoration yesterday morning after they discovered that someone had forced once again to enter the yard, and climbed has run with an iron bar has destroyed part of the beard, nose and shoulder of the statue. The place was presented the President of the Second Municipality, Alberto Patruno, to see for yourself what happened. The damage to the nose and the shoulder of the monument are slightly while the shattered, however, is now irrecoverable.
According to the witnesses said it was a veritable assault of a criminal gang made up of a baby- fifteen underage boys. Apparently the original intention was not to destroy the monument but to disturb passers by. In fact, the spare parts from the monument have been thrown at people who were passing near the statue. In addition, the group of thugs has done worse: they have taken possession of demineralized water tanks that are used by restauratori e le gettate addosso ai passanti. Scherzi di pessimo gusto.

“Quello che è accaduto registra come a Napoli la criminalità minorile sia un fenomeno oramai consolidato – commenta l’avvocato Angelo Pisani, Presidente dell’associazione -. I pochi controlli da parte delle forze dell’ordine, soprattutto nelle ore serali, danno la possibilità ai giovani teppisti di ‘impossessarsi’ della città e di danneggiare e disturbare cittadini e turisti. Inoltre appare evidente che il fenomeno della delinquenza minorile è in costante aumento. I ragazzi non sono seguiti ed educati, i modelli che imitano sono sbagliati e devianti. Confidiamo nel compito della scuola ma siamo anche convinti che in una metropoli come Napoli, dove il rischio di dispersione scolastica e di devianza sono molti alti,   la scuola debba essere costantemente vicino all’adolescente creando più laboratori interattivi e didattici, un modo semplice cioè di togliere il baby criminale  dalla strada. Compito delle Istituzioni e del Comune di Napoli è quello di stanziare più fondi per le scuole affinchè si possano realizzare più strutture e attività per i nostri ragazzi.   Queste sono cose che purtroppo con i diversi tagli governativi e la cattiva amministrazione Naples is not so far been discounted. We appeal to institutions and law enforcement so that open their eyes to the plight and intervene with concrete actions for the welfare and safety of citizens "

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fixed are entitled to enjoy paid leave for study

(Court of Cassation , Sec. Lav., February 17, 2011, No 3871)

The object of the sentence no matter 3871/2011 concerning an employee of the Ministry of Justice employing temporary which was denied the opportunity to receive paid leave for study, given the temporary nature of their employment.
According to the Ministry of Justice, in fact, pursuant to art. 13 of the Negotiable collective agreement of 16 May 2001, these permits could be granted only to staff employed on a permanent.
The employee, believing their rights violated, sue the directors and membership of the Court of merit, following the request of the employee, noted that the provision of collective bargaining that literally provided the study permits for workers a time limit could not be interpreted as excluding, however, employees hired as temporary una clausola così intesa si sarebbe posta in evidente contrasto con il principio di non discriminazione sancito dalla direttiva CE n. 70 del 1999 e dall’art. 6 del d.lgs. n. 368 del 2001, attuativo di tale direttiva.
La decisione, confermata anche in appello, veniva quindi sottoposta al vaglio della Suprema Corte dal Ministero della Giustizia.
La Corte di Cassazione, uniformandosi alle precedenti pronunce di merito, ha affermato che l’esclusione dai permessi di studio non può conseguire in maniera automatica dal fatto che il contratto preveda un termine di durata (e questo nel rispetto del principio di non discriminazione, come recepito nel D.Lgs. n. 368 del 2001, art. 6), but, on the contrary, the failure to recognize the temporary workers provided treatments for permanent workers is permitted only on the basis of an objective incompatibility refers, in fact, the nature of the individual relationship to an end.
The Court therefore held, in this case, the following principle of law: " According to an interpretation consistent with the principle of non-discrimination of temporary workers, laid down in Legislative Decree no. September 6, 2001, No 368, Art. 6, in implementation of EU Directive 70/1999 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by UNICE, CEEP and the ETUC, must be regarded as art. 13 of the Negotiable on 16 May 2001 concerning the sector ministries and integration of the previous National Collective Bargaining Agreement of 16 February 1999, providing for the availability of paid leave for study, the extent of 150 hours, by employees with employment-time unlimited does not mean that the same permissions should be granted to employees on fixed term, unless there is objective incompatibility in relation to the nature of the single-term contract, nor the exclusion of the benefit could be justified, because the mere affixing of the duration of contract, the absence of a specific interest of the public Directors to the cultural elevation of the employees, since the use of permits to study ignores the existence of such an interest on the part of the employer, public or private, being traceable to fundamental human rights, as guaranteed by the Constitution (art. 2:34 Cost .) and the Convention on Human Rights (ECHR Article 2 of the Additional Protocol), and protected by law in relation to the rights of student workers (Law No. 300 of 1970, Article 10). .


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check of divorce: the tax return is too low is not credible

Civil Cassation, sez. I, Judgement 17.02.2011 No. 3905
The tax return filed by the spouse obligated to pay the allowance for divorce, is merely an indication and can be ignored by the court if it reaches the testing of different sources of income. And 'what has established the First Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court with the ruling February 17, 2011, No 3905.
stoats According to the statement of income " pending its function typically tax, is not binding, could be rather discretionary, and therefore rejected the evidence in light of other .
In conclusion, in the extent contribution considered adequate standard of living enjoyed during their conjugal life and economic capabilities of the obligation, must take into account the type of activity and professional qualifications of the same, his social position and family, related to the potential ' exercise of that activity, and the size of the objective properties of which he was the owner and his many holdings in companies.


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Lawyers, fired the secretary has the right to social security benefits provided by the company

Ieri, il Ministero del Lavoro, ha risposto ad una richiesta di interpello avanzata dal Consiglio Nazionale dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro e dalla Confprofessioni in merito alla possibilità di iscrivere nelle liste di mobilità i lavoratori subordinati licenziati da studi professionali individuali.
Il Ministero, “nel prendere atto della scelta del Legislatore di non porre ulteriori limiti alla concessione degli ammortizzatori in questione, ritiene applicabile la disciplina della mobilità in deroga, ai fini dell’erogazione della relativa indennità, anche ai lavoratori subordinati licenziati per motivi di riduzione di personale da parte di studi professionali individuali, a nulla rilevando la forma giuridica individual or entity associated with the employer. "

And this, even if "employers qualify as professional firms do not appear within the categories of addressees of the mobility procedure of Rules of Law No 223/1991, nor does it appear they can be included, under a strict interpretation iuris, under the provisions of art. 4, paragraph 1, L. No 236/1993.

However, use the "interpretation by the Court of Justice of European Communities on 16 October 2003 (Case C/32/02) with reference to the EU Council Directive 98/59/EC on the deviation esistente tra la nozione di diritto interno di imprenditore rispetto alla nozione comunitaria di datore di lavoro.
La giurisprudenza comunitaria afferma infatti che occorre incentrarsi su una nozione intesa in senso ampio di datore di lavoro, superando in tal modo le stretto perimetro della nozione di imprenditore ed intendendo con quest’ultima qualunque soggetto che svolge attività economica e che sia attivo su un determinato mercato”.

In definitiva, “i datori di lavoro qualificabili come studi professionali possono essere sussunti nell’ambito della previsione di cui all’art. 4 comma 1 innanzi indicato, sebbene la norma si riferisca espressamente alle sole “imprese” e di conseguenza i lavoratori da questi dipendenti, licenziati per riduzione di personale, hanno diritto ad iscriversi nelle liste di mobilità”.
Il diritto di interpello
E’ previsto dall’art. 9 del decreto legislativo 124/2004 (come modificato dal decreto legislativo 262/2006).
Consiste nella facoltà da parte di “organismi associativi a rilevanza nazionale degli enti territoriali, enti pubblici nazionali, nonché organizzazioni sindacali e dei datori di lavoro maggiormente rappresentative sul piano nazionale e consigli nazionali degli ordini professionali”, di inoltrare al Ministero del Lavoro quesiti di ordine generale sull’applicazione delle normative di sua competenza.
E’ importante tenere that adaptation to the information provided in the answers to the questions "precludes the application of criminal sanctions, administrative and civil."

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Accounting Irregularities: responsibility does not is the only professional

Civil Cassation, sez. Tax, Ordinance No. 3651 14.02.2011
This case has the object, as a result of investigations bank placed against a company which is active in the gold trade, the failure to tax return el'inattendibilità accounting records.
The Tax Commission upheld the action of Lazio of society, rejected by the Provincial Tax Commission, noted that the tax return was duly filed, the records could not be unreliable because, as trade in gold subject to the supervisory activities of the Office Italian Exchange was subject to full transparency. The accounting irregularities were due to the accountant. The Inland Revenue used in the Court of Cassation.
The judges of the Supreme Court highlight the inconsistency of the reasoning of the Regional Tax Commission, according to which the activity of the gold trade could not be performed in a perfectly lawful, as the surveillance activities conducted by the Italian Exchange. If it were true that states should be ruled out that in Italy has never been an incident of smuggling of gold, in view of the surveillance carried out by the competent authority. The fact that certain activities are subject to special supervisory bodies do not mean they can not escape this surveillance. The existence of CONSOB or the Bank of Italy did not prevent the development of epochal fraud in the world of public companies listed on the stock market or the banking field.
The CTR also excludes the responsibility of society in order to irregular bookkeeping, downloading on the tax advisor, who, at most, could be a competitor in illegality made by the breach of an obligation which is part of the institution and its legal representative. Issue of bonds of a public nature / sanctions that do not be delegated.
The Supreme Court upholds the claim, ruling the case under appeal and refer the case, including the costs, with another section of the CTR of Lazio.


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innovative DLGS, block 10 years of incentives for those who try to scam

Who will attempt 'to obtain grants for renewable sources, with documents''untrue''or''false statements''can not' more 'incentives to take 10 years. E 'as it provides the decree approved by the Cabinet this morning to avoid scams in the green energy sector.
''They are not entitled to receive incentives for the production of energy from renewable sources, from any source of law laid down - says the decree - the patients for whom the authorities' and the units concerned are satisfied that in relation to request for qualification of equipment or provision of incentives, provided information or documents is not true, or have made false declarations. Subject the recovery of amounts wrongly received, the condition impediment to the perception of incentives for a period of ten years from the date of establishment.'' The measure applies''to the person or entity that submitted the request, as well as' to the following parties: the legal representative who signed the request, the individual responsible for the installation, technical director, the shareholders, if it is companies' partnership; the general partners, in the case of companies' limited partnership, the directors authorized to represent, in the case of other companies' or consortium.''

Source: Reuters

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Pediatricians will be halved, over 2 million children "discovered." Pisani: "A danger to health and care for our children. What Fazio intervenes blocking this madness!"

at risk for pediatricians. Why? The retirement health care professionals are expelling six hundred a year by the top doctors for the children while the building of specialized schools, 43 in Italy, in 2010 it has produced only 229. A very small number that has alarmed the Italian Society of pediatricians with a substantial half of the class: "We risk destroying a jewel in our Health copied elsewhere in Europe." According to an estimate of the Sip two million two hundred thousand children will be "discovered", that will not have a pediatrician in the district or country, or a nearby structure that can provide this specialized set. In addition, according to experts, it will lead to a general alarm: "Without political intervention within ten years we will no longer able to care for our children."
"The great crisis today we see in hospitals - confirms John Corsello, Vice President Sip - The conjugates retirement saving policies leave vacancies and grow so that departments can not ensure a pediatrician on call around the clock."
targeted by the imbalance is especially the Center-South, since the regions have submitted plans to return and possess fewer financial resources to place the doctors for children.

"This situation is unacceptable and extremely dangerous - said the President to, the lawyer Angelo Pisani -. The continuous and senseless cuts that the Government are being implemented, as well as in the cultural field, sending the result is a very important category. It 'impossible regress in the medical field, a sector that, but that should always think ahead and wade to progress. With health is no laughing! Fazio asked the Minister to change the situation by allocating more scholarships to institutions and to expand the 'access of young doctors in the world of work because the Italian families in need of a greater number of pediatricians. We are talking of care for our children, you can not take that risk. Moreover, the absence of pediatricians from the towns can create many inconveniences: overcrowding, lack of staff and long waits. How can we ensure the necessary care for children? "