"There is therefore a negative value after new signs of recovery which occurred in the two previous quarters, which, however, had not given the volume of transactions to the values \u200b\u200bin 2006, ie before the start of the descent phase, "says ISTAT. Thus the initial impetus fades and overall, the number of sales concluded in the first nine months of 2010 (586,801) increases slightly (+0.6%) than during the same period in 2009 (583,459). Looking at the type of trade 93.6% of agreements made in the third quarter of 2010 amounted to 158,122, covers buildings for housing and accessories, 5.7%, ie 9659, is related to property units to economic use. The Institute notes that "for the first type, after a period of rising, there is a trend decline of 2.7%," while sales of property to economic use, marked by a fall of 11, 6%, "emphasize" the negative trend that had also characterized the first two quarters of 2010.
buying and selling real estate slump in economic use as offices, shops and workshops. The number of those stipulated in the third quarter of 2010 amounted to 9,659 (-11.6% yoy), in fact, 'the lowest since 1997.
In Italy in the third quarter of 2010 the total number of loans for the purchase of property is reduced by 1, 9% on an annual basis. The Institute of Statistics Notes, adding that "these figures mark a setback in the recovery trend phenomenon began in the last three months of 2009 and continued until the second quarter of 2010.
TONFA SALE NOON - The setback marked the real estate market, reflects the thuds recorded in the South. According to data released today by ISTAT in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the same period last year, in fact, the trades decreased to a greater extent in the South (-11.7%) and the Islands (-16.1%). While it's better in the north-west ( +0.7%) and Northeast (+1.1%), the Centre, the situation remains virtually unchanged (-0.4%). "This trend is evident, in principle, even for the purchase and sale of housing units for housing, " always points out the Institute.
Source: Ansa.it
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