Thursday, March 10, 2011

Grecian Wedding Invites

the pedestrian crossing on the zebra is always right

Il pedone che attraversa sulle strisce pedonali ha sempre ragione. Anche se passa di fretta e senza fare particolare attenzione alle intenzioni degli automobilisti. La Corte di Cassazione con la sentenza n. 5540 (si legga la sentenza su Guida al diritto ), esclude la possibilità di addossare la colpa di un eventuale investimento al pedone distratto, che usa però l'accortezza di passare sulle strisce. Il concorso di colpa previsto dal codice civile – specificano gli ermellini – si può ipotizzare soltanto nel caso la condotta di chi va a piedi sia «del tutto straordinaria e imprevedibile».

Obbligo di cautela per i conducenti

La sentenza dei giudici di piazza Cavour tende ad aumentare le garanzie di incolumità those who decide to leave the car to venture into the city traffic even if it does "head in the clouds." "The pedestrian who is about to cross the road on pedestrian crossings is not required to verify whether drivers in transit or show no intention to slow down and let it go through - says the sentence - he could make a reasonable expectation on the obligations of caution imposed on drivers. " This general principle affirmed by the Supreme Court, although in this case, the courts have dealt with the serious accident happened to a lady that was partly held responsible investment that has caused serious injury.

The applicant had not crossed strips

The applicant had, in fact, but was walking on the zebra crossing on the right edge of the roadway, in violation of the rules of the road, in the same direction of the car and had not made use of ability to switch on a "grassy shore." Imprudence which leads to the Supreme Court confirmed a 20% nell'accaduto responsibility, as decided by lower courts. The Supreme Court "stick" but the Court of Appeal on the criterion of assessment of damage done and the resulting damages. The courts of appeal are in fact limited to apply a policy without the necessary table additions based on the specific case. Il danno biologico – spiega il Supremo collegio – va invece personalizzato e non stabilito in base a criteri predeterminati.



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