choice out of love for the city, as explained by communicating your commitment, but not a sign of unity policy . The main ally of the Democratic Party, Italy of Values, it does not seem willing to take a step back and its candidate for mayor, the former pm Luigi De Magistris, today reiterated to be already in the campaign: "It was clear - he said - that the Democratic Party would do anything not to lean on. I'm going forward. " But the investiture of
Morcone causes some stomach ache, even among minorities, such as the Greens, which ruled for the end of the center of the table. At Home
PDL, however, is expected in the evening the Bureau decision on the candidacy of former number one industrial Neapolitan Gianni Lettieri: a choice that continues to divide locally between consensus and critical (heavy ones against him Today the former president of Confindustria, Antonio D'Amato, "Naples is not worth even that).
So is Mario Morcone the candidate of the Democratic Party. Casertano of 59 years, the Agency responsible for the goods confiscated from the mafia has a long career within the State often with roles in key ministries like interior.
His first thought, perhaps not coincidentally, is precisely the allies and civil society: "I ask that other important expressions and resources of the center-support my candidacy and I will work for this. Available to put my passion, my skills and my long experience in public administration. The complexity of the situation Neapolitan requires the largest contribution of civil society associations, businesses, third sector and the cultural world so rich in the city, and indeed all of them must become the protagonists of the revival of a role and an image for too long torn apart. " A
assist the IDV does not collect. De Magistris greets the challenger: "I have prevailed over the reasons of preservation and continuity with Bassolino, in the application of Morcone there is no discontinuity and novelty." With De Magistris, who also collects the support of CRP, also protested Antonio Di Pietro attacking the Democrats: "Sorry - said - that the Democratic Party fails to free itself from the various traps and snares that stand in the way local notables to this job , since it is clear to everyone that De Magistris is the winning choice. We will strive to the final day so that by the PD, there is a change of heart. "
On the front of the center is expected in the evening of the investiture Gianni Lettieri. Against him, after a few days ago were playing match the entrepreneurs, the former No. 1 row of Confindustria Antonio D'Amato. "Lettieri mayor? Naples also does not deserve this, "the scathing assessment that suppresses the nomination.
But in the field and in the race for the post of mayor there are also Raimondo Pasquino for the third pole of Csasini, Raffaele Di Monda (who leads the Civic Party NIP - National Innovation Programme), and Robert Fico of the Movement Five stars that refers to Beppe Grillo. Not to mention
Clemente Mastella, che corre da solo
In somma, un bel rebus non solo per gli elettori napoletani, ma per l'intero quadro politico che va smembratissimo alla sfida delle urne, e che nel dopo voto, avrà enormi difficoltà a trovare le soluzioni di maggioranza all'interno del Consiglio comunale.
Fonte: http://www.ilmattino.it/articolo.php?id=141371&sez=NAPOLI
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