“La cifra della multa รจ davvero elevatissima - -fferma l’avvocato Angelo Pisani, Presidente dell’associazione NoiConsumatori.it -. Tuttavia un plauso va ai finanzieri per l’operazione ed anche per la ‘condanna’. Finalmente una punizione esemplare per tutti coloro che non rispettano le norme sul lavoro e for 'pirates' computer thieves who are in all respects. Undeclared work is a social evil, especially in the South Italy, which harms citizens in terms of security because they are not protected in any way. Each work must be paid a decent and regular citizens have every right to work without exploitation and gather the results of of their commitment. In our opinion, the first causes of undeclared work is rampant unemployment and the economic crisis that left whole families into the street "
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