SOURCE: http://www.lastampa.it/lazampa/girata.asp?ID_blog=164&ID_articolo=1589&ID_sezione=339&sezione=News
Tiziana Di Paghini
in the world nor are now little more than three thousand. There are tigers, and the Chinese calendar is the Year of the Tiger. Begins Feb. 14, the day of love, Valentine's Day. And if we try to extend the concept of love? If we were to think that this day is the day all the love in all its facets, in all its forms?
Let's imagine that the message / alarm raised by the WWF for thought and worry.
Our love / respect for creatures great for gifts of mother nature is disappearing with his children, or are we still in time to salvage a little bit and put some ugly things on track?
Actually, I do not know. You could try, but it seems to be a difficult task to understand the importance of preserving life forms that are about to become extinct.
WWF points out major threats to this beautiful creature, drew a map of the top 10 spots with the aim of curbing the risk of disappearance of tigers on our planet. Reducing habitat in India, climate change in Bangladesh, Mekong and deforestation in Russia, trade of bones, skins e carne di tigre in Cina, Vietnam e Nepal le maggiori cause del rischi di estinzione di questa specie individuati dal gruppo del Panda.
Nell'anno della Biodiversità, la tigre è stata scelta come uno dei simboli della natura che rischia fortemente di scomparire.
Sottolineo che dal 1940, ben tre sottospecie di tigre si sono esiste, ed una quarta, ovvero la tigre della Cina meridionale, non viene avvistata in natura da oltre 25 anni.
Sul banco degli imputati che favoriscono l'estinzione di questo prezioso animale ci sono i Paesi industrializzati del civilissimo Occidente, a cominciare dagli Stati Uniti D'America che in cattività ne detengono più di cinquemila e con quasi la totale assenza di leggi mirate all'impedimento marketing on the black market of products made of tigers.
We believe that this animal could be no chance of survival and that the alarm raised by the WWF runs out as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we can all do something. We begin to respect the power generating and her children, because only in this way can there be a chance to live better in a better world.
There is no other way.
Tiziana Paghini
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