Tiziana Di Paghini
I never made a secret of my being 'non-observant Catholic,' and will certainly not be through this post I feel in my heart that will rectify what I have always said. If I'm honest, I can not even consider myself an atheist, because despite the disgust that reigns over the world, I feel that a higher power dominates this earth and all its inhabitants, including me. Unfortunately, it hurts to admit that these are the injustices and consumed with such regularity as to make doubtful any consideration of a higher being, but I believe that the evil done in one way or another, is always granted. Citing a passage from 'Misery', known novel by Stephen King, there is a justice higher than man, and I will be judged by that, otherwise I claim the sacred right to speak my mind by appealing to the constitutional right to fight back stuffed with too much crap that are spreading like a law, but that totalitarianism and good, especially before the evil man that knows no limits and boundaries of any kind. 'Nuff said, is a lot of anger after reading a notice of the nonsense on the heads of major national newspapers that, once again, make me ashamed to be Italian. Not go into a purely religious discourse or patriotic, but I will try to find the religion itself and the reasoning to hold a sentient being able to join the discussion under this article as alarming and a sense of civic consciousness-if any-that is in everyone.
The belief is belief, faith is faith, but without awareness you can fill your mouth with billions of words ends in themselves, and I do not want glory only because I tried to say the right thing at the right time or in for just cause.
'm not interested in this type of 'unhealthy' media like many celebrities, so that others may judge me a good 'Christian'.
I'm not a 'good Christian', but I know where is the thin red LIEA crosses between good and evil, and not exceed at any time. Strong character? Maybe. Of course meal is a bit of my bag, a bit is the good education that my parents have taught me even though their was little time to spare and humble backgrounds. Thing I do with pride, as those who had to struggle in life has full knowledge of what it is really a good thing in horror.
That said, I quote a biblical passage and connection with Article I of the newspapers that carry below:
"Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. Why I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we saw you hungry and we fed you, or thirsty and gave thee drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit thee?
the King will answer them, Verily I say unto you: every time you did it to one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me "(Mt 25, 34-40)
Why this passage?
sure to read the fine amenities of this article and you traetene the necessary conclusions.
Controversy Monte di Procida:
'Fines for those who give food to stray dogs'
NAPOLI (February 10) - fines ranging from 100 to 600 € for those feeds in the street or in parks, stray dogs and cats and pigeons. Are the penalties provided for by an order issued by the union town of Monte di Procida, in the province of Naples.
The use of the measure - it is stated in the order - is explained by the need to address "problems of health and hygiene in some public streets, squares and green areas, caused by food residues that are fed to stray dogs and cats and pigeons from private citizens. " Hence the ban on feeding food to stray.
"inhuman and absurd ordinance against which we are already working in order not to starve the dogs and cats of the town." So the commissioner of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, and the provincial secretary of the Greens, Carlo Ceparano, spoke on the order. "Today - continue environmentalists - are animals, tomorrow it could tap to the homeless or the homeless. Our lawyers, Pietro Amedeo Pisanti and Marzano, are already studying how to appeal against this order of shocking. " "We support the protests of animal rights organizations as" Fido and Surroundings "- says councilor Peppe Pugliese - and ask the mayor to back off. In any case, we will continue to feed the animals at our peril but not to see them die of hunger. "
This piece is not signed by anyone, not even with the initials of who did it. For the sake of fairness, the source is quoted directly, and this seems more than enough to avoid being accused of plagiarism in any way. Notwithstanding that, if problems occur, the article itself was saved and the veracity of my assertions and reliable hard facts, I feel compelled to make it more public. Su questo articolo estratto dall'indirizzo web di riferimento che troverete anche cliccando sul titolo, c'è una dicitura che sostiene la riservatezza del contenuto dello stesso. Può essere, ma da un mio punto di vista non è giusto , poichè citando in toto la fonte di una notizia CHE E' INTERESSE DI TUTTI non si possono applicare restrizioni simili, altrimenti a che pro dare una notizia? Come potrebbe questa raggiungere tutti?
Dopotutto non mi arrogo certamente la paternità dell'articolo stesso! Io non l'ho scritto, mi limito solamente a diffonderlo affinchè qualcuno veda in esso lo spunto per una lotta personale o di gruppo.
I quotidiani, a mio avviso, dovrebbero allow everyone to be able to borrow their articles, unless, of course, distortion or manipulation of the same. " If we stick to the slightest chance of seeing him 'turn' in the network under other names, that is another thing, but if this refers to the true source of origin is all the better. A report of this kind is not reserved , also because reported from other sources.
We see for example
Naples, absolutely no food to give stray
Fines from 100 to 600 € For those who eat on the street or in parks, stray dogs and cats and pigeons. Are the penalties provided for by an order issued by the union town of Monte di Procida, in the province of Naples.
The use of the measure - it is stated in the order - is explained by the need to address "problems of health and hygiene in certain public streets, squares and green areas, caused by food residues that are administered to dogs and cats stray dogs and pigeons from private citizens. "
'A' absurd and inhuman order against which we are already working in order not to starve the dogs and cats of the town. " So the commissioner of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, ed il segretario provinciale dei Verdi, Carlo Ceparano, intervengono sull’ordinanza sindacale che nel comune di Monte di Procida (Napoli) fa divieto assoluto per i cittadini di somministrare cibo a cani e gatti randagi.
«Oggi - proseguono gli ambientalisti - sono gli animali, domani potrebbe toccare ai senzatetto o ai barboni. I nostri legali, Pietro Marzano ed Amedeo Pisanti, stanno già studiando come ricorrere contro questa ordinanza allucinante».
«Sosteniamo la protesta delle associazioni animaliste come «Fido e Dintornì » - afferma il consigliere comunale Peppe Pugliese - e chiediamo al sindaco di fare marcia indietro. In ogni caso continueremo a sfamare gli animali a nostro rischio e pericolo pur di non vederli morire di fame».
Questo è quanto.
Una legge orribile, vergognosa. Tanto casino se non si fa l'elemosina ad un essere umano quando, e questo ho potuto vederlo e viverlo direttamente, mi sono trovata nella condizione di comprare da mangiare a chi diceva di aver fame. Ma no! Questo non voleva i soldi per il cibo, bensì voleva i soldi e basta. Li voleva per farne quello che voleva, non per necessità. Infatti, aveva talmente fame che ha gettato, davanti ai miei occhi, due panini imbottiti nella spazzatura. Panini fatti e comprati per lui, per il suo appello!
E quindi?
Quindi verrei multata se dessi da mangiare ad un animale affamato che solo attraverso il mio aiuto/sostentamento could be said to be able to live or die?
But we're kidding or serious?
is nonsense to stem the problems of sanitary streets soiled by careless giving food to animals put on the cross from the cold and hungry ... I have to laugh. Yes, why do not I know that animals dispersed into the environment so dear to Italy toxic waste scattered everywhere, empty beer bottles, plastic bottles of various drinks, empty cigarette packs, candy wrappers, or ice cream, tissues reminiscent of a report of road consumed in some kind of conditions, condoms, syringes infected ...
will agree with me that what was said is in line with reality. I defy anyone, even inhabitant in piccoli centri urbani, a sostenere di non essere mai stato testimone di un simile degrado. E non parliamo di chi urina per le strade, nei sottopassaggi, nelle stazioni ferroviarie. E gli sputi in terra? Questi dove li mettiamo?
Ma se diamo da mangiare ad un animale randagio siamo passibili di multe onerose...
Che bella Italia! Dove gli fa comodo le leggi le fa rispettare!
E se ci concentrassimo sul problema a monte, che non diversifica molto da Sud a Nord, civilissima parte italiana in cui vivo?
Vogliamo discutere del randagismo e della negligenza vergognosa di chi da tempo avrebbe potuto arginare questo fenomeno ma ha preferito lavarsene le mani come Ponzio Pilato?
Riflettiamo un attimo e riportiamoci ad un'altra notizia in an excerpt from the article link:
Sos mavericks
The solution: sterilization campaigns, renovation of kennels moratorium on sales of livestock and the fight against illegal trafficking of puppies
One thing is certain: the tragic end on Sunday afternoon in Ragusa, the small Joseph Brafford mauled by a pack of stray dogs is not the fault of the animals so hungry and aggressive as battered. Instead of those who, despite the existence in our country of ad hoc regulations, did not ensure nor impedito che potesse accadere un evento del genere, inammissibile pure in un paese del terzo mondo. Siamo in emergenza e non solo in quello scampolo di Sicilia, dove ieri c'è stato un altro feroce agguato questa volta ai danni di una giovane turista tedesca, sfigurata in volto e nel corpo. I dati parlano chiaro. I cani randagi in Italia sono circa 600.000: di questi circa 149.500 sono ospitati in canili attrezzati, un quarto del totale.
Si calcola, poi che vi sono sei milioni di cani di proprietà. E che ogni anno ne vengono abbandonati intorno ai 45.000. Diciamo che dove le leggi vengono applicate, soprattutto al Nord, la situazione è decisamente sotto controllo. Le regioni più colpite sono nel Sud dove si concentra l'esercito dei randagi.
Giacciono in Parlamento dieci proposte di legge per migliorare la Legge 281 del 1991 sulla prevenzione del randagismo. Le leggi ci sono ma vengono disattese.
I sindaci campani, da parte loro, lamentano una scarsità dei mezzi. «Mancano i soldi per la benzina per le auto, figuriamoci per i cani» dice Ernesto Sica, sindaco di Pontecagnano, in provincia di Salerno. Nel suo comune il 6 maggio scorso una donna di 61 anni è stata sbranata dal suo pitbull. E vorrebbe gli stanziamenti per un canile municipale anche il sindaco di Montesarchio (Benevento) Antonio Izzo, visto che il suo comune spende «oltre 100.000 euro l'anno per mantenere i cani randagi accalappiati in una canile privato nel casertano». Insomma il randagismo si può prevent.
seems to watch a game of tennis. A ball-dogs or cats, but the list can be extended ...-, two players, institutions, communities, and foolish people wandering ... the point is that no one wants a Match Point. No, better to lose the ball and then, with un'amichevolissima handshake, to return friends studying what may be the next 'sacrifices'. Who knows why the money still missing? The State - WE! - Bestows them to cause targeted but this piece of watermarked paper and sweating disappear into thin air ... poof ... no more!
Certainly the ghosts do not use them, not sure how we would do us humans, then somewhere must still finish. One suggestion to who made the decision / prohibition of feeding the strays, and if they begin to set a good example with a personal week of fasting? Maybe the street, cold, dirt, at the mercy of violence, kicking, bullying? And if the subject began to live in the garbage as well, as it claims that it will do a 'beast'? It would be a fine example of civilization, or life is better than sleeping on a full stomach and warm?
Sure, money is good for your health and improve quality of life ... all Christians, his mouth, but in deed nor the Devil wants them in his rounds, so disgusting guys.
yet ... and yet something is back in all this. But money, we know that can not buy eternity. What a pity!
Something in the air, which is cut with a knife ...
How many dogs are in various kennels? We all know that those municipalities have given way to someone who calls himself private and who knows how to handle them. He does not talk much-better to do the dumb, right? - But rumors are many and all very clear. And no one dares to fight back, otherwise you get warnings in priority burst. Functions as a tangible sign of democracy and free thought in this sad country. But this does not seem to cause the drowsiness of many. There are health warnings that run for weeks on the net and that, all things are making a ferocious crackdown on stray dogs. Yes, it seems che qualcuno abbia intenzione a mettere fine a questo dilagante fenomeno. Come? E non fatevi troppe domande!!! Non le avrete mai le vere risposte ma solo quelle convenzionali! Non se ne parla del fattaccio, o coloro che osano farlo sono sempre i soliti noti non affiliati a niente e a nessuno. Tutti ne sono rimasti fuori. I randagi...il problema del randagismo...i comuni che non hanno soldi o che non vogliono averli...
Vi ricorda nulla tutto questo? Davvero???
Mai visti tanti randagi dar così fastidio nel nostro paese. A dire il vero, mai visti tanti randagi...ma ci sono. Eccome se ci sono! E la soluzione, qualcuno la sta già mettendo in atto.
Ergo, muoia Sansone con tutti i filistei.
Peccato che, secondo the story, Samson is capable of repentance, even though the end of his life. In
those who really intend to repent?
Tiziana Paghini
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