different tracks: Stray? Mestizo? Please: Random Source 2
different tracks: Stray? Mestizo? Please: Random Source 2
We come to us then, because there is no one knows that the speech addressing the "search" for the United States means, of course, speaking of research in Europe: parameters and protocols are the same, even those are outright Americans. And they are also the same practical and economic needs. The world of experimentation is a global village. There are
B dealers in Europe for search? There are all right, with their army of bunchers (we had our Dealing Dogs. It is the Swiss Tiere in der Forschung Mark Rissi, 1992, eighteen years and she looks great: http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2008/07/ suffering-until-the-table-del.html). Do you accept? They are all right: not all, but who's counting. It is part of a system that is so profoundly anchored in the economy and politics to make it difficult even to discuss it - at least for now. Europe Animal Class B, the rich, industrial, driving, and cancellation, trade, experimentation. On this bedrock float laws and measures that often sound very good ... confirming a practice that goes in the opposite direction, perhaps with the help of some official or unofficial trick where you have to deal with conflicting claims. To meet needs while responding to the password ... the urgent and growing need of dogs.
Like after the entry into force of Tierschutzgesetz German, a good repertoire of tricks laws. Since the '80s, in place of direct labor to hook up supplying laboratories, prompted the advent of a myriad of "groups" modeled on the import of animals from Class B to less industrialized countries and their trade. Which, looks a bit ', is being prosecuted in Germany only when it complies with the rules on the proper treatment of animals (the rest is perfectly integrated into the German economic system, so as to fall below the VAT sales tax).
course this brings with it a complete change of language. So when it comes to Tierschutzverein, also known as Vermittlung: placement, mediation ... in translation targeted foster care. E "rescue" is called the withdrawal of cheap goods. It is a job like any other, just understood. Taught as Juliet in Romeo, also rose by another name always has the same scent.
For their part, the least developed countries adapt to the hand like a glove: welcome collection centers of foreign trade, let it develop the local business support, multiply the dog population, minuet on the law. Someone pushes the zeal to proclaim the indispensability of questi benevoli interventi, come richiede la parte.
La ragnatela delle rotte commerciali che dal Mediterraneo, dai Balcani e dalla Russia, dall’Africa e dall’Asia portano nell’Europa del Nord la conosciamo. Conosciamo l’intreccio di filiali e agenzie fra associazioni di Paesi diversi (alcune con sito bilingue, o direttamente tedesco) e sempre più spesso ci imbattiamo nell’appoggio dato loro da generose fondazioni scientifiche. Vogliamo accennare per completezza ai rapporti di sinergia fra associazioni di Germania, Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti nella gestione dei bacini di prelievo? Vogliamo aggiungere che associazioni americane si spingono a salvare cani e gatti greci e turchi e che loro consorelle tedesche allungano la mano fino in America latina, come certamente già si fa e si farà dagli Stati Uniti?
La Convenzione di Strasburgo sulla protezione degli animali da compagnia fu siglata nel 1987, quando l’Unione Europea non esisteva ancora. Per la sua stessa natura di accordo fra parti diverse, si guardava bene dal toccare più di tanto certi interessi e necessità di singoli Stati o di gruppi di Stati. Purché gli animali non soffrano troppo, si tiene fuori dal tema della sperimentazione e da quello della soppressione fatta per motivi, diciamo così, pratici (basta leggere l’art. 11: Uccisione). Per la stessa ragione le è estraneo anche il tema dei traffici di animali, e più che mai quello dei commerci di randagi e del mondo obscure that they bring with them. Why was not addressed? Why, say it again, there was no reason. As long as you kids are jokes, but these are serious matters.
who had proposed more stringent standards that had to be adopted into national law (Article 3).
Subsequent history, however, is that of the European Union is no more conventions, but planning a policy intervention - and non-intervention - in order to approve the behavior of various states on an economic policy. And so the cards, sparigliarle today, blew out two exceptions (ie, from the European point of view, two events): Greece and Italy. The former had already adopted Law 1197/1981 on the protection of animals, then recast in 3170/2003. The second, just one year before the birth of the Union, had adopted the Framework Law 281/1991. In both countries, no more transfer of the dog kennel for experimental purposes, no more suppression, more or less balanced with a tight schedule and sterilizations dell'Anagrafe dogs. Commendable, innovative and daring. The result? Multiplication of the stray dog \u200b\u200bkennels in disarray, and a business already suspicious that easily adapts to acquire the rules of traffic (only within the borders of both countries, because once past the Swiss border, Austrian or German, all is in place). Bad laws? No: law inapplicable, or not designed to be applied. Fluctuations in resonant surface, while the practice, which is influenced by many other needs, continues to move in the opposite direction. Not for nothing that the protests against the trade of those who truly protects the animals have never produced more than ministerial circulars or directives, appreciated when you mess around with discretion and ignored when the going gets tough.
Meanwhile, the business of stray dogs has become one of the most flourishing sectors in the provision of goods and resources, surpassing in Europe (well, we believe) the import-export of puppies. Except that in Italy, where it is not regulated as such, and therefore must operate under false pretenses, organizes itself according to the law of the jungle. On the one hand the need to continue devising slalom between (and outside) rules that do not belong, to pirouette between identity changing, to know how to strengthen joint ventures with foreign partners, to insinuate himself adroitly between organs or control of each level produces natural selection: only the strong, the clever and the governing coalition boat. The oars are those with the syndrome of Noah, fans of the animal hoarding and unskilled workers, couriers, messengers and the anarchists of the so-called animal rights. But for the same reason the fund has also produced a real war dei clan: scippi, arrembaggi e rapine tra affaristi di ogni genere ed etichetta; B dealers veri e mascherati in concorrenza spietata per strapparsi i rispettivi settori imprenditoriali; avventurieri alla conquista di ghiotti settori di traffico. Traffico in partenza ma, attenti, anche in transito. Sotto gli occhi delle forze dell’ordine e degli organi giudiziari che si muovono senza saper troppo dove andare, senza strumenti e soprattutto senza il sostegno del legislatore, e quando hanno la percezione certa e disperata dell’illecito sono costretti ad affidarsi alla più fragile delle bussole, quella che in uno Stato di diritto non avrebbe ragione di esistere: la sensibilità personale degli addetti al controllo e alla repressione.
It is in this situation that Italy is preparing to ratify the Strasbourg Convention, and it shows. The decree of the Ministry of Health which is now under discussion is broader than the Convention, because many things have happened in the meantime. In fact, it comes at last, how much of a novelty, trades pets ... that illegal importation of puppies from the East. Point. Why? but because we continue to say that there is no reason to talk about something else. As long as you mess around with kids ... what follows, and it was flawless Franco Frattini, foreign minister and vice-president of the European Commission (and, say, careful observer of the stray problem in the Union), to collect and re-verbatim, in Italy and abroad, the message wrapped in this "crime of trafficking of cats and dogs" ready-half.
Message received. Perhaps, then, is a good time to ask some serious questions about the function and especially on the meaning of animal protection. Not that whining and chirping, and even the Taliban and self-managed, they are just the reverse of a terrible story. However, much less what to pursue first and foremost the preservation of itself, as is now the major associations around the world, indulging pleasure to compromise masquerading (badly) in the la comunicazione ad effetto. A noi sembra che abbia senso quella che fa appello non all’amore, ma al rispetto e alla tutela dei diritti e che segue con saggezza, fermezza e indipendenza il cammino di una legalità senza finzioni, furbizie, travestimenti e complicità. Vorremmo che quest’altro messaggio, il nostro, fosse ben capito da tutti quelli che siedono in buona coscienza al tavolo di lavoro aperto dal Ministero della Salute sulle camionate di animali esportate oltreconfine “per adozione”. Degli altri non ci importa, sappiamo già tutto.
Altrimenti ci si dica chiaro e tondo che lo spirito delle leggi italiane, che ci sono anche se possono essere state fatte per far fare bella figura a qualcuno e che (citando dalla petizione ENPA) are "the most advanced in Europe" is a detour, you have to adapt to the economic framework of the Union has passed through the archaic residues such as chocolate with cocoa and French cheeses. As we said, just understood. If anything spieghiamolo also to "persons and associations estimated and credible" that what we have said here they say in Germany, and therefore above suspicion.
This blog has never given special importance to animal experimentation in the cities plundered our country, because he knows how wide the range of their uses and commercial consumers. Maybe from now on do so, given the urgent need e crescente di animali per l’attuazione del progetto europeo REACH per i test di tossicità di decine di migliaia di composti chimici.
Ma in confidenza, questo post l’abbiamo scritto perché i bene informati la piantino almeno di bersagliarci di bullshit (N.d.T. stronzate) sull’uso esclusivo di cani di razza, purpose bred, per la sperimentazione.
Convenzione di Strasburgo:
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e-normativa-f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-4-7-t16 . htm
Posted by Nobody at 14:14
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