
Tiziana Di Paghini
Not a day goes by, surfing the internet, is not so shocking news to be believed to inhabit in a place that is not earth, not heaven, it is not Paradise or purgatory but pure hell. A middle way is not even looking for her with the lantern. Now it has become disgusting connotations that they verge on the paradox, this paradox but, unfortunately for the victims, not jokes.
will be that, as someone told me several times, my character is pretty absolutist and leaves no openings in the defense of those convicted - but here are just accusations-ed, but it is impossible to condone such outrageous behavior against being unable to defend themselves. Someone will cry scandal of my post, always and only concerned about protecting the welfare of animals-the real one, not the fanatic! -. With all the tragedies they see victims gli esseri umani, io mi preoccupo di scaldarmi tanto per delle 'bestie'. Sacrilegio e blasfemia!
Ma sapete qual'è il vero sacrilegio? Il non rispetto per tutte le forme di vita che abitano la terra, siano questi animali o persone. E se non si è in grado di provare dolore per tutte le specie viventi di questa terra sarà molto, molto difficile credere in un amore per il prossimo umano. La vera civiltà nasce con l'antispecismo. Comodo guardare solo il 'vicino umano' ed ignorare che tutti gli esseri che soffrono e provano sentimenti, siano da porre in secondo piano nelle priorità delle nostre considerazioni o dei nostri pensieri.
Oggi mi sono imbattuta in quest'agghiacciante notizia, e la riporto a voi speranzosa di solleticare some consciousness-especially those who sleep at-large.
The original sources come from the following links:
http://notizie.virgilio.it/notizie/cronaca/2010/2_febbraio/ 01/animali_romagatti_rapiti_per_destinarli_a_trasfusioni_di_sangue, 22766613.html
The text is nothing short of shocking, racappricciante. To you the official contents of the news.
(ASCA) - Roma, 1 February - Cats abducted or simply bought to be allocated to blood transfusions. This is the new frontier that would affect thousands of cats missing in Italy in recent months. Healthy cats that would have kidnapped or bought and bred to be destined to become blood donors. The complaint comes from the managers of the animal Aida, Italian Association for Defence of Animals and the Environment, after some reports received from people who have found themselves paying more than € 100 to bring their cat to a blood transfusion at some animal health .
Cats, said in a statement AIDAA, once you are in age 'adult would be subject to veterinary clinical investigations to ascertain their health status and subsequently underwent drain the blood, resulting in the death of the animal, which will fuel a real feline blood bank to be drawn in a totally different animal health unconscious throughout the country.
''E 'is a real cat that would be raised, but also in some cases kidnapped to be destined to become blood donors - said Lorenzo Croce, president of the National Aida - cats that once emptied of blood would left to bleed to death. For this reason tomorrow will present a complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome as its capital came from reports that have led us to make this horrible discovery. It is around a lucrative multi-million euro. I should point out - concludes the Cross - that we have no evidence that the clinical use of blood collected from this cat real blood bank to be complicit in the kidnappings or killings of cats in which blood is extracted.''
This is the news. There is talk of 'assumption of crime'. There is talk of yet, and certainly unproductive investigation by the Ministry of Health says open to reveal the secret. It would be funny in front of so much concern, if you do not really know certain scenes, certain real objectivity.
Honestly I never had much confidence in these investigations, the vast majority of cases, sometimes only to ingratiate himself with the time, news of the scandal, trying to calm everyone down the populace on the brink of war, to minimize the alarm.
So, you know, Italians do like tuna fish in a barrel and many of them are satisfied with these 'commendable initiative' without the slightest regard to their conclusion, the true path they do. Are we surprised when these 'investigations' will not get to anything?
really surprise us if everything ended in a pizza and a beer between 'friends'? No, in our country of the sun and the sea we could surprise to the contrary. In light of the latest news in the field of stray dogs, the policy of legalizing the outward transport as a final solution to stem the phenomenon and keeping animals in kennels, complete with a passport creatures with or without a family - so, who cares of their true origin? - wandering on our territory and are a threat, really believe that someone can be up to stem this troubling new phenomenon of shame?
from another source on the Internet at:
http://www.gattoegatti.com/gatto-news-curiosita/258-gatti-rapiti-o-allevati-per-essere-destinati-a-diventare-donatori -di-sangue.html
shows this:
Cats bred to be kidnapped or destined to become blood donors
Cats abducted or simply purchased to be used for blood transfusions, this the new frontier that would affect thousands of cats missing in Italy in recent months. Or
from this reliable source:
"Thousands of cats caught for stealing
blood "
abducted thousands of kittens, bred and bled to death, to supply a veterinary blood bank. The discovery dell'allucinante business against feline Aida is the association that has collected reports of citizens
A disturbing horror story. Thousands of kittens kidnapped, raised to adulthood and bled to death, to feed a veterinary blood bank. The discovery of feline dell'allucinante business against the association must Aida. Those responsible for the animal rights group were found to deal with this new frontier of exploitation of the cats after some members of the public who had to spend over 100 € to submit their pet to a blood transfusion at some veterinary structures.
This is really the time to ask a legitimate question, although the ita for Italy and (g) ian a bit too concise. We can not say where we go from here Where are we now?
I believe in the deepest cesspool of dung hominid. A closed-end road and no way of escape for both who did nothing to stop this shame for all those who, within the limits of their ability undertake to combat rampant disgust of Italy.
That's it.
We need not fear hell after our departure, we've been!
Tiziana Paghini
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