different tracks: Suffering table until the laboratory animals in research
different tracks: Suffering at the table until the laboratory, animals in research
different tracks: Suffering at the table until the laboratory animals in research
OFFICIAL VISIT THE LINK OF THIS SITE AND READ ALL. WATCH THE VIDEOS. Begin to reflect and rightly so with your head and the conviction / certainty, that all this must be ended. Each of us' a sentient being is mortal. NO ONE 'LORD, AND NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN' JUSTIFY SUCH A HOLOCAUST. NOT BELIEVER, NOT Observant I invite you to further reflection:
"what shall it profit a man if, after having gained around the world, loses his soul?"
Jesus made this claim. Whether you are religious believers, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists ... your God is not important, but it is critical reflection of this question and the message it contains.
How much is really the human soul? How much is yours? It 'really so cheap? Try to look beyond this question, try to examine your conscience and tell me if it really worth it to close my eyes and pretend it is not happening. Try really to believe that this fate, one day, can not be yours. History teaches, and is not much that anyone has experienced first hand the horror of the Holocaust.
Be yourself and nobody else's. Do it for you, but above all that is left in this sad world of the value of a life, whether you or others.
Tiziana Paghini
"It 's a movie that shows how any animal, whether dog or cat properties, is likely to disappear and end up in the traffic tunnel.
The demand for the vivisection of animals is constantly increasing exponentially, dogs, cats and other animals seem never enough, it's thousands and thousands of animals.
Traffickers stock up everywhere, with theft, false adoption, and so the kennels are empty ... ...
Now this lucrative traffic was refined in the manner and scams, taking advantage of people expected tutelare gli animali dato che si presentano con l'etichetta di associazioni animaliste.
Inoltre si avvalgono anche di un eserito di persone ingenue (o in mala fede) che si prodigano a tirare fuori i cani dai canili per farli adottare, con conseguenti spostamenti di cani da sud al nord, da nord a sud, da est a ovest e ovunque.
Un valido esempio รจ il libro francese Trafiquants de chiens che spiega proprio bene tutti i raggiri usati con i randagi dei rifugi e cani padronali."
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